Anna E Hickman
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Cited by
Interpretation of fast repetition rate (FRR) fluorescence: signatures of phytoplankton community structure versus physiological state
DJ Suggett, CM Moore, AE Hickman, RJ Geider
Marine Ecology Progress Series 376, 1-19, 2009
Southern Ocean deep-water carbon export enhanced by natural iron fertilization
RT Pollard, I Salter, RJ Sanders, MI Lucas, CM Moore, RA Mills, ...
Nature 457 (7229), 577-580, 2009
Phytoplankton photoacclimation and photoadaptation in response to environmental gradients in a shelf sea
CM Moore, DJ Suggett, AE Hickman, YN Kim, JF Tweddle, J Sharples, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2), 936-949, 2006
Spring‐neap modulation of internal tide mixing and vertical nitrate fluxes at a shelf edge in summer
J Sharples, JF Tweddle, JA Mattias Green, MR Palmer, YN Kim, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (5), 1735-1747, 2007
Obtaining phytoplankton diversity from ocean color: a scientific roadmap for future development
A Bracher, HA Bouman, RJW Brewin, A Bricaud, V Brotas, AM Ciotti, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 55, 2017
Capturing optically important constituents and properties in a marine biogeochemical and ecosystem model
S Dutkiewicz, AE Hickman, O Jahn, WW Gregg, CB Mouw, MJ Follows
Biogeosciences 12 (14), 4447-4481, 2015
Dimensions of marine phytoplankton diversity
S Dutkiewicz, P Cermeno, O Jahn, MJ Follows, AE Hickman, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (3), 609-634, 2020
Ocean colour signature of climate change
S Dutkiewicz, AE Hickman, O Jahn, S Henson, C Beaulieu, E Monier
Nature communications 10 (1), 578, 2019
Predicting the electron requirement for carbon fixation in seas and oceans
E Lawrenz, G Silsbe, E Capuzzo, P Ylöstalo, RM Forster, SGH Simis, ...
PloS one 8 (3), e58137, 2013
Internal tidal mixing as a control on continental margin ecosystems
J Sharples, CM Moore, AE Hickman, PM Holligan, JF Tweddle, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (23), 2009
Phytoplankton carbon fixation, chlorophyll-biomass and diagnostic pigments in the Atlantic Ocean
AJ Poulton, PM Holligan, A Hickman, YN Kim, TR Adey, MC Stinchcombe, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (14-16), 1593-1610, 2006
Photosynthesis–irradiance parameters of marine phytoplankton: synthesis of a global data set
HA Bouman, T Platt, M Doblin, FG Figueiras, K Gudmundsson, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (1), 251-266, 2018
Increasing picocyanobacteria success in shelf waters contributes to long‐term food web degradation
K Schmidt, AJ Birchill, A Atkinson, RJW Brewin, JR Clark, AE Hickman, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (10), 5574-5587, 2020
Iron–light interactions during the CROZet natural iron bloom and EXport experiment (CROZEX) I: Phytoplankton growth and photophysiology
CM Moore, S Seeyave, AE Hickman, JT Allen, MI Lucas, H Planquette, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (18-20), 2045-2065, 2007
Primary production and nitrate uptake within the seasonal thermocline of a stratified shelf sea
AE Hickman, CM Moore, J Sharples, MI Lucas, GH Tilstone, V Krivtsov, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 463, 39-57, 2012
Distribution and chromatic adaptation of phytoplankton within a shelf sea thermocline
AE Hickman, PM Holligan, CM Moore, J Sharples, V Krivtsov, MR Palmer
Limnology and Oceanography 54 (2), 525-536, 2009
Modelling the effects of chromatic adaptation on phytoplankton community structure in the oligotrophic ocean
AE Hickman, S Dutkiewicz, RG Williams, MJ Follows
Marine Ecology Progress Series 406, 1-17, 2010
Validation and intercomparison of ocean color algorithms for estimating particulate organic carbon in the oceans
H Evers-King, V Martinez-Vicente, RJW Brewin, G Dall'Olmo, AE Hickman, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 251, 2017
Iron–light interactions during the CROZet natural iron bloom and EXport experiment (CROZEX): II—Taxonomic responses and elemental stoichiometry
CM Moore, AE Hickman, AJ Poulton, S Seeyave, MI Lucas
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (18-20), 2066-2084, 2007
Single-turnover variable chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for assessing phytoplankton photosynthesis and primary productivity: opportunities, caveats and recommendations
N Schuback, PD Tortell, I Berman-Frank, DA Campbell, A Ciotti, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 690607, 2021
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Articles 1–20