William L. Miller
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Cited by
Photochemical production of dissolved inorganic carbon from terrestrial organic matter: Significance to the oceanic organic carbon cycle
WL Miller, RG Zepp
Geophysical Research Letters 22 (4), 417-420, 1995
The decline and fate of an iron-induced subarctic phytoplankton bloom
PW Boyd, CS Law, CS Wong, Y Nojiri, A Tsuda, M Levasseur, S Takeda, ...
Nature 428 (6982), 549-553, 2004
Photochemical release of biologically available nitrogen from aquatic dissolved organic matter
KL Bushaw, RG Zepp, MA Tarr, D Schulz-Jander, RA Bourbonniere, ...
Nature 381 (6581), 404-407, 1996
Methods for reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection in aqueous environments
JM Burns, WJ Cooper, JL Ferry, DW King, BP DiMento, K McNeill, ...
Aquatic sciences 74, 683-734, 2012
Interaction of photochemical and microbial processes in the degradation of refractory dissolved organic matter from a coastal marine environment
WL Miller, MA Moran
Limnology and Oceanography 42 (6), 1317-1324, 1997
Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean
TMM Group, XD de Madron, C Guieu, R Sempéré, P Conan, D Cossa, ...
Progress in Oceanography 91 (2), 97-166, 2011
Hydrogen peroxide measurement in seawater by (p-hydroxyphenyl) acetic acid dimerization
WL Miller, DR Kester
Analytical Chemistry 60 (24), 2711-2715, 1988
Photochemical redox cycling of iron in coastal seawater
WL Miller, DW King, J Lin, DR Kester
Marine Chemistry 50 (1-4), 63-77, 1995
Resourceful heterotrophs make the most of light in the coastal ocean
MA Moran, WL Miller
Nature Reviews Microbiology 5 (10), 792-800, 2007
Determination of apparent quantum yield spectra for the formation of biologically labile photoproducts
WL Miller, M Moran, WM Sheldon, RG Zepp, S Opsahl
Limnology and Oceanography 47 (2), 343-352, 2002
Quantum yield for the photochemical production of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater
SC Johannessen, WL Miller
Marine Chemistry 76 (4), 271-283, 2001
Effect of fire on soil‐atmosphere exchange of methane and carbon dioxide in Canadian boreal forest sites
RA Burke, RG Zepp, MA Tarr, WL Miller, BJ Stocks
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D24), 29289-29300, 1997
Effects of UV radiation on aquatic humus: photochemical principles and experimental considerations
WL Miller
Aquatic humic substances: Ecology and biogeochemistry, 125-143, 1998
Dissolved organic matter composition and photochemical transformations in the northern North Pacific Ocean
PM Medeiros, M Seidel, LC Powers, T Dittmar, DA Hansell, WL Miller
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (3), 863-870, 2015
Direct carbon monoxide photoproduction from plant matter
MA Tarr, WL Miller, RG Zepp
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 100 (D6), 11403-11413, 1995
Ultraviolet attenuation by dissolved and particulate constituents of first‐year ice during late spring in an Arctic polynya
C Belzile, SC Johannessen, M Gosselin, S Demers, WL Miller
Limnology and Oceanography 45 (6), 1265-1273, 2000
An approach to quantify depth-resolved marine photochemical fluxes using remote sensing: Application to carbon monoxide (CO) photoproduction
CG Fichot, WL Miller
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (7), 1363-1377, 2010
A novel molecular approach for tracing terrigenous dissolved organic matter into the deep ocean
PM Medeiros, M Seidel, J Niggemann, RGM Spencer, PJ Hernes, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30 (5), 689-699, 2016
Photodegradation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in natural waters: Laboratory assessment of the nitrate-photolysis-induced DMS oxidation
RC Bouillon, WL Miller
Environmental science & technology 39 (24), 9471-9477, 2005
Calculation of UV attenuation and colored dissolved organic matter absorption spectra from measurements of ocean color
SC Johannessen, WL Miller, JJ Cullen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C9), 2003
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