Luke Olson
Luke Olson
Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Exposing fine-grained parallelism in algebraic multigrid methods
N Bell, S Dalton, LN Olson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (4), C123-C152, 2012
A spectral boundary integral method for flowing blood cells
H Zhao, AHG Isfahani, LN Olson, JB Freund
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (10), 3726-3744, 2010
Cusp: Generic parallel algorithms for sparse matrix and graph computations
N Bell, M Garland
Version 0.3. 0 35, 2012
Optimizing sparse matrix—matrix multiplication for the gpu
S Dalton, L Olson, N Bell
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 41 (4), 1-20, 2015
Cusp: Generic parallel algorithms for sparse matrix and graph computations
S Dalton, N Bell, L Olson, M Garland
Algebraic multigrid for higher-order finite elements
JJ Heys, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick, LN Olson
Journal of computational Physics 204 (2), 520-532, 2005
Ipas: Intelligent protection against silent output corruption in scientific applications
I Laguna, M Schulz, DF Richards, J Calhoun, L Olson
Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and …, 2016
Least-squares finite element methods and algebraic multigrid solvers for linear hyperbolic PDEs
H De Sterck, TA Manteuffel, SF McCormick, L Olson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (1), 31-54, 2004
FlipIt: An LLVM based fault injector for HPC
J Calhoun, L Olson, M Snir
Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2014 International …, 2014
A general interpolation strategy for algebraic multigrid using energy minimization
LN Olson, JB Schroder, RS Tuminaro
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (2), 966-991, 2011
Exploring the feasibility of lossy compression for pde simulations
J Calhoun, F Cappello, LN Olson, M Snir, WD Gropp
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (2 …, 2019
Modeling MPI communication performance on SMP nodes: Is it time to retire the ping pong test
W Gropp, LN Olson, P Samfass
Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 41-50, 2016
A stabilized finite element method for modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations to determine ion flow through a nanopore
JH Chaudhry, J Comer, A Aksimentiev, LN Olson
Communications in computational physics 15 (1), 93-125, 2014
Reducing parallel communication in algebraic multigrid through sparsification
A Bienz, RD Falgout, W Gropp, LN Olson, JB Schroder
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S332-S357, 2016
A first‐order system least‐squares finite element method for the Poisson‐Boltzmann equation
SD Bond, JH Chaudhry, EC Cyr, LN Olson
Journal of computational chemistry 31 (8), 1625-1635, 2010
PyAMG: Algebraic multigrid solvers in python
N Bell, LN Olson, J Schroder
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (LA-UR-23-26551), 2022
A new perspective on strength measures in algebraic multigrid
LN Olson, J Schroder, RS Tuminaro
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 17 (4), 713-733, 2010
Theoretical bounds for algebraic multigrid performance: review and analysis
SP MacLachlan, LN Olson
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 21 (2), 194-220, 2014
A root-node--based algebraic multigrid method
TA Manteuffel, LN Olson, JB Schroder, BS Southworth
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (5), S723-S756, 2017
A locally conservative, discontinuous least‐squares finite element method for the Stokes equations
P Bochev, J Lai, L Olson
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 68 (6), 782-804, 2012
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Articles 1–20