Ahmet Onen
Ahmet Onen
Assoc. Prof, Electrical Engineering, University of Doha for Science and Technology
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Enhancing smart grid with microgrids: Challenges and opportunities
Y Yoldaş, A Önen, SM Muyeen, AV Vasilakos, I Alan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 205-214, 2017
Peer-to-peer energy trading in virtual power plant based on blockchain smart contracts
S Seven, G Yao, A Soran, A Onen, SM Muyeen
Ieee Access 8, 175713-175726, 2020
Economic optimal operation of Community Energy Storage systems in competitive energy markets
R Arghandeh, J Woyak, A Onen, J Jung, RP Broadwater
Applied Energy 135, 71-80, 2014
Transformation of microgrid to virtual power plant–a comprehensive review
L Yavuz, A Önen, SM Muyeen, I Kamwa
IET generation, transmission & distribution 13 (11), 1994-2005, 2019
Rooftop solar pv penetration impacts on distribution network and further growth factors—a comprehensive review
B Uzum, A Onen, HM Hasanien, SM Muyeen
Electronics 10 (1), 55, 2020
Coordinated control of automated devices and photovoltaic generators for voltage rise mitigation in power distribution circuits
J Jung, A Onen, R Arghandeh, RP Broadwater
Renewable Energy 66, 532-540, 2014
Energy management system for hybrid renewable energy-based electric vehicle charging station
AK Karmaker, MA Hossain, HR Pota, A Onen, J Jung
IEEE Access 11, 27793-27805, 2023
Neuro-fuzzy-based model predictive energy management for grid connected microgrids
A Ulutas, IH Altas, A Onen, TS Ustun
Electronics 9 (6), 900, 2020
Machine learning-based intrusion detection for achieving cybersecurity in smart grids using IEC 61850 GOOSE messages
TS Ustun, SMS Hussain, A Ulutas, A Onen, MM Roomi, D Mashima
Symmetry 13 (5), 826, 2021
Artificial intelligence based intrusion detection system for IEC 61850 sampled values under symmetric and asymmetric faults
TS Ustun, SMS Hussain, L Yavuz, A Onen
Ieee Access 9, 56486-56495, 2021
Harmonic interactions of multiple distributed energy resources in power distribution networks
R Arghandeh, A Onen, J Jung, RP Broadwater
Electric Power Systems Research 105, 124-133, 2013
Assessment of battery storage technologies for a Turkish power network
MC Kocer, C Cengiz, M Gezer, D Gunes, MA Cinar, B Alboyaci, A Onen
Sustainability 11 (13), 3669, 2019
Monte Carlo analysis of plug-in hybrid vehicles and distributed energy resource growth with residential energy storage in Michigan
J Jung, Y Cho, D Cheng, A Onen, R Arghandeh, M Dilek, RP Broadwater
Applied energy 108, 218-235, 2013
Enhancing cybersecurity in smart grids: False data injection and its mitigation
DB Unsal, TS Ustun, SMS Hussain, A Onen
Energies 14 (9), 2657, 2021
Assessment of wind-to-hydrogen (Wind-H2) generation prospects in the Sultanate of Oman
R Ahshan, A Onen, AH Al-Badi
Renewable Energy 200, 271-282, 2022
Optimal energy management and scheduling of a microgrid in grid-connected and islanded modes
L Zacharia, L Tziovani, M Savva, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides, ...
2019 International conference on smart energy systems and technologies (SEST …, 2019
Local steady-state and quasi steady-state impact studies of high photovoltaic generation penetration in power distribution circuits
J Jung, A Onen, K Russell, RP Broadwater
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 43, 569-583, 2015
Blockchain-based energy applications: The DSO perspective
A Yagmur, BA Dedeturk, A Soran, J Jung, A Onen
IEEE Access 9, 145605-145625, 2021
Provision of ancillary services by a smart microgrid: An OPF approach
JL Martinez-Ramos, A Marano-Marcolini, FP Garcia-Lopez, ...
2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2018
Energy Trading on a Peer-to-Peer Basis between Virtual Power Plants Using Decentralized Finance Instruments
S Seven, Y Yoldas, A Soran, G Yalcin, J Jung, S Ustun, A Onen
Sustainability 14 (13286), 2022
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Articles 1–20