bernard lamien
bernard lamien
Ecole Polytechnique de Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso
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Cited by
Computational fluid dynamic analysis of physical forces playing a role in brain organoid cultures in two different multiplex platforms
L Goto-Silva, NME Ayad, IL Herzog, NP Silva, B Lamien, HRB Orlande, ...
BMC developmental biology 19, 1-10, 2019
State estimation in bioheat transfer: a comparison of particle filter algorithms
B Lamien, LAB Varon, HRB Orlande, GE Elicabe
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 27 (3), 615-638, 2017
A Bayesian approach for the estimation of the thermal diffusivity of aerodynamically levitated solid metals at high temperatures
B Lamien, D Le Maux, M Courtois, T Pierre, M Carin, P Le Masson, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 141, 265-281, 2019
Particle filter and approximation error model for state estimation in hyperthermia
B Lamien, HR Barreto Orlande, G Enrique Eliçabe
Journal of Heat Transfer 139 (1), 012001, 2017
Fabrication methods of phantoms simulating optical and thermal properties
RAO Jaime, RLQ Basto, B Lamien, HRB Orlande, S Eibner, O Fudym
Procedia Engineering 59, 30-36, 2013
Estimation of the temperature field in laser-induced hyperthermia experiments with a phantom
B Lamien, H Rangel Barreto Orlande, L Antonio Bermeo Varón, ...
International Journal of Hyperthermia 35 (1), 279-290, 2018
Inverse problem in the hyperthermia therapy of cancer with laser heating and plasmonic nanoparticles
B Lamien, HRB Orlande, GE Eliçabe
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 25 (4), 608-631, 2017
Density measurement of liquid 22MnB5 by aerodynamic levitation
D Le Maux, M Courtois, T Pierre, B Lamien, P Le Masson
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (7), 2019
Simultaneous estimation of temperature and emissivity of metals around their melting points by deterministic and Bayesian techniques
T Pierre, JC Krapez, HRB Orlande, C Rodiet, D Le Maux, M Courtois, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 183, 122077, 2022
State Estimation Problem in the Hyperthermia Treatment of Tumors Loaded with Nanoparticles
B Lamien, HRB Orlande, G Elicabe, AJ Maurente
International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library, 2014
Real-time temperature estimation with enhanced spatial resolution during MR-guided hyperthermia therapy
CC Pacheco, HRB Orlande, MJ Colaço, GS Dulikravich, LAB Varón, ...
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 77 (8), 782-806, 2020
Application of the photoacoustic technique for temperature measurements during hyperthermia
M Alaeian, HRB Orlande, B Lamien
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 27 (12), 1651-1671, 2019
Design under uncertainties of the thermal ablation treatment of skin cancer
LFS Ferreira, LA Bermeo Varon, HRB Orlande, B Lamien
ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 145 (3), 031202, 2023
Approximation error model to account for convective effects in liquids characterized by the line heat source probe
B Lamien, HRB Orlande
Proceedings of the Fourth Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization …, 2013
Numerical simulation of nanoparticles assisted laser photothermal therapy: a comparison of the P1-approximation and discrete ordinate methods
AB Bruno, A Maurente, B Lamien, HRB Orlande
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 39 …, 2017
Kalman filter temperature estimation with a photoacoustic observation model during the hyperthermia treatment of cancer
M Alaeian, HRB Orlande, B Lamien
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 119, 193-207, 2022
Near infrared light heating of soft tissue phantoms containing nanoparticles
S Eibner, R Jaime, B Lamien, R Basto, R Orlande, O Fudym
Revista de Engenharia Térmica 13 (1), 13-18, 2014
’Analysis of the P1-Approximation for the Radiative Heat Transfer in Skin Tissues Loaded with Nanoparticles
A Maurente, B Lamien, HRB Orlande, GE Eliçabe
Proceedings of the 22nd International congress of mechanical engineering …, 2013
Thermal effect by applying laser heating in iron oxide nanoparticles dissolved in distilled water
LA Bermeo Varon, BR Loiola, LA da Silva Abreu, B Lamien, NP da Silva, ...
XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2020
Simultaneous estimation of thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity of viscous liquids with the line heat source probe via Bayesian inference.
B Lamien, HR Barreto Orlande
High Temperatures-High Pressures 42 (3), 2013
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Articles 1–20