Ahmad Ibrahim
Cited by
Cited by
How to best deploy your Fog applications, probably
A Brogi, S Forti, A Ibrahim
International Conference on Edge and Fog Computing, 2017
SeaClouds: a European project on seamless management of multi-cloud applications
A Brogi, A Ibrahim, J Soldani, J Carrasco, J Cubo, E Pimentel, F D'Andria
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 39 (1), 1-4, 2014
Deploying fog applications: How much does it cost, by the way?
A Brogi, S Forti, A Ibrahim
CLOSER, 68-77, 2018
Predictive analysis to support fog application deployment
R Buyya, SN Srirama
Wiley Telecom, 2019
Optimising QoS-assurance, Resource Usage and Cost of Fog Application Deployments
A Brogi, S Forti, A Ibrahim
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018
Adaptive management of applications across multiple clouds: The SeaClouds Approach
A Brogi, M Fazzolari, A Ibrahim, J Soldani, J Carrasco, J Cubo, F Durán, ...
CLEI electronic journal 18 (1), 2-2, 2015
Mimicking FogDirector Application Management
S Forti, A Brogi, A Ibrahim
Computer Science - Research and Development, 2018
Bonsai in the fog: An active learning lab with fog computing
A Brogi, S Forti, A Ibrahim, L Rinaldi
2018 Third International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC …, 2018
EU project seaclouds-adaptive management of service-based applications across multiple clouds
A Brogi, J Carrasco, J Cubo, F D'Andria, A Ibrahim, E Pimentel, J Soldani
Special Session on Multi-Clouds 2, 758-763, 2014
Probabilistic prediction of the QoS of service orchestrations: A truly compositional approach
L Bartoloni, A Brogi, A Ibrahim
Service-Oriented Computing: 12th International Conference, ICSOC 2014, Paris …, 2014
SeaClouds: Seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of service-based applications.
A Brogi, J Carrasco, J Cubo, F D'Andria, A Ibrahim, E Pimentel, J Soldani
CIbSE, 95-108, 2014
Survey high-performance modelling and simulation for selected results of the COST Action IC1406 cHiPSet
A Brogi, S Forti, A Ibrahim, SS Kim, H Gupta, V Dastjerdi, SK Ghosh, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (1), 2018
Analysing Multiple QoS Attributes in Parallel Design Patterns-Based Applications
A Brogi, M Danelutto, DD Sensi, A Ibrahim, J Soldani, M Torquati
International Journal of Parallel Programming 46 (10.1007/s10766-016-0476-8 …, 2018
Addressing effective hidden web search using iterative deepening search and graph theory
A Ibrahim, SA Fahmi, SI Hashmi, HJ Choi
2008 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2008
Enhancing requirements engineering activities through the use of mobile technology devices and tools
SA Fahmi, A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007) 2, 578-581, 2007
Activity time collection and analysis through temporal reasoning
A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
2009 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 1 …, 2009
Intelligent Chat Agent in Jess
A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 427-428, 2007
A framework for analyzing activity time data
A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, 14-18, 2008
An approach for PSP Time log Processing
A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information …, 2008
Role of annotation in electronic process guide (EPG)
A Ibrahim, HJ Choi
Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007) 2, 569-572, 2007
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Articles 1–20