Random geometric graphs M Penrose OUP Oxford, 2003 | 3285 | 2003 |
Lectures on the Poisson process G Last, M Penrose Cambridge University Press, 2017 | 802 | 2017 |
The longest edge of the random minimal spanning tree MD Penrose The annals of applied probability 7 (2), 340-361, 1997 | 631 | 1997 |
On k‐connectivity for a geometric random graph MD Penrose Random Structures & Algorithms 15 (2), 145-164, 1999 | 609 | 1999 |
Central limit theorems for some graphs in computational geometry MD Penrose, JE Yukich Annals of Applied probability, 1005-1041, 2001 | 241 | 2001 |
Weak laws of large numbers in geometric probability MD Penrose, JE Yukich The Annals of Applied Probability 13 (1), 277-303, 2003 | 225 | 2003 |
On the multivariate runs test N Henze, MD Penrose Annals of statistics, 290-298, 1999 | 191 | 1999 |
On a continuum percolation model MD Penrose Advances in applied probability 23 (3), 536-556, 1991 | 170 | 1991 |
Connectivity of soft random geometric graphs MD Penrose | 166 | 2016 |
A strong law for the longest edge of the minimal spanning tree MD Penrose The Annals of Probability 27 (1), 246-260, 1999 | 157 | 1999 |
Poisson process Fock space representation, chaos expansion and covariance inequalities G Last, MD Penrose Probability theory and related fields 150 (3), 663-690, 2011 | 143 | 2011 |
Limit theory for random sequential packing and deposition MD Penrose, JE Yukich The Annals of Applied Probability 12 (1), 272-301, 2002 | 129 | 2002 |
Large deviations for discrete and continuous percolation MD Penrose, A Pisztora Advances in applied probability 28 (1), 29-52, 1996 | 122 | 1996 |
Normal approximation in geometric probability MD Penrose, JE Yukich Stein’s method and applications 5, 37-58, 2005 | 121 | 2005 |
Approximating layout problems on random geometric graphs J Dıaz, MD Penrose, J Petit, M Serna Journal of Algorithms 39 (1), 78-116, 2001 | 99 | 2001 |
Random Parking, Sequential Adsorption,¶ and the Jamming Limit MD Penrose Communications in Mathematical Physics 218, 153-176, 2001 | 97 | 2001 |
Laws of large numbers in stochastic geometry with statistical applications MD Penrose | 93 | 2007 |
Gaussian limts for random geometric measures M Penrose | 92 | 2007 |
Moments and central limit theorems for some multivariate Poisson functionals G Last, MD Penrose, M Schulte, C Thäle Advances in Applied Probability 46 (2), 348-364, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Random minimal directed spanning trees and Dickman-type distributions MD Penrose, AR Wade Advances in Applied Probability 36 (3), 691-714, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |