Susan Kutz
Susan Kutz
Professor, Ecosystem and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
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Cited by
Climate change and infectious diseases: from evidence to a predictive framework
S Altizer, RS Ostfeld, PTJ Johnson, S Kutz, CD Harvell
science 341 (6145), 514-519, 2013
Ecological consequences of sea-ice decline
E Post, US Bhatt, CM Bitz, JF Brodie, TL Fulton, M Hebblewhite, J Kerby, ...
science 341 (6145), 519-524, 2013
Global warming is changing the dynamics of Arctic host–parasite systems
SJ Kutz, EP Hoberg, L Polley, EJ Jenkins
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1581), 2571-2576, 2005
The Arctic as a model for anticipating, preventing, and mitigating climate change impacts on host–parasite interactions
SJ Kutz, EJ Jenkins, AM Veitch, J Ducrocq, L Polley, B Elkin, S Lair
Veterinary parasitology 163 (3), 217-228, 2009
Crossing the interspecies barrier: opening the door to zoonotic pathogens
C Gortazar, LA Reperant, T Kuiken, J de la Fuente, M Boadella, ...
PLoS pathogens 10 (6), e1004129, 2014
Parasite zoonoses and wildlife: emerging issues
RC Thompson, SJ Kutz, A Smith
International journal of environmental research and public health 6 (2), 678-693, 2009
Dogs as sources and sentinels of parasites in humans and wildlife, northern Canada
AL Salb, HW Barkema, BT Elkin, RCA Thompson, DP Whiteside, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 14 (1), 60, 2008
“Emerging” parasitic infections in arctic ungulates
SJ Kutz, EP Hoberg, J Nagy, L Polley, B Elkin
Integrative and Comparative Biology 44 (2), 109-118, 2004
Metabolic approaches to understanding climate change impacts on seasonal host‐macroparasite dynamics
PK Molnár, SJ Kutz, BM Hoar, AP Dobson
Ecology letters 16 (1), 9-21, 2013
The potential impact of climate change on infectious diseases of Arctic fauna
MJ Bradley, SJ Kutz, E Jenkins, TM O’Hara
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 64 (5), 468-477, 2005
Northern host–parasite assemblages: history and biogeography on the borderlands of episodic climate and environmental transition
EP Hoberg, KE Galbreath, JA Cook, SJ Kutz, L Polley
Advances in parasitology 79, 1-97, 2012
Parasite prevalence in fecal samples from shelter dogs and cats across the Canadian provinces
A Villeneuve, L Polley, E Jenkins, J Schurer, J Gilleard, S Kutz, G Conboy, ...
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-10, 2015
Parasites in ungulates of Arctic North America and Greenland: a view of contemporary diversity, ecology, and impact in a world under change
SJ Kutz, J Ducrocq, GG Verocai, BM Hoar, DD Colwell, KB Beckmen, ...
Advances in parasitology 79, 99-252, 2012
Fostering community-based wildlife health monitoring and research in the Canadian North
RK Brook, SJ Kutz, AM Veitch, RA Popko, BT Elkin, G Guthrie
EcoHealth 6, 266-278, 2009
Integrated approaches and empirical models for investigation of parasitic diseases in northern wildlife
EP Hoberg, L Polley, EJ Jenkins, SJ Kutz, AM Veitch, BT Elkin
Emerging Infectious Diseases 14 (1), 10, 2008
Structure, biodiversity, and historical biogeography of nematode faunas in holarctic ruminants: morphological and molecular diagnoses for Teladorsagia boreoarcticus n. sp …
EP Hoberg, KJ Monsen, S Kutz, MS Blouin
The Journal of parasitology, 910-934, 1999
Invasion, establishment, and range expansion of two parasitic nematodes in the Canadian Arctic
SJ Kutz, S Checkley, GG Verocai, M Dumond, EP Hoberg, R Peacock, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (11), 3254-3262, 2013
Echinococcus multilocularis in urban coyotes, Alberta, Canada
S Catalano, M Lejeune, S Liccioli, GG Verocai, KM Gesy, EJ Jenkins, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 18 (10), 1625, 2012
Arctic biodiversity: from discovery to faunal baselines-revealing the history of a dynamic ecosystem
EP Hoberg, SJ Kutz, KE Galbreath, J Cook
Journal of Parasitology 89 (Suppl), S84-S95, 2003
Reshaping the future of ethnobiology research after the COVID-19 pandemic
I Vandebroek, A Pieroni, JR Stepp, N Hanazaki, A Ladio, RRN Alves, ...
Nature Plants 6 (7), 723-730, 2020
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Articles 1–20