Mark Ruth
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Cited by
Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol Process Design and Economics Utilizing Co-Current Dilute Acid Prehydrolysis and Enzymatic Hydrolysis for Corn Stover
A Aden, M Ruth, K Ibsen, J Jechura, K Neeves, J Sheehan, B Wallace, ...
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2002
Process design and costing of bioethanol technology: a tool for determining the status and direction of research and development
R Wooley, M Ruth, D Glassner, J Sheehan
Biotechnology progress 15 (5), 794-803, 1999
Cellulase for commodity products from cellulosic biomass
ME Himmel, MF Ruth, CE Wyman
Current opinion in biotechnology 10 (4), 358-364, 1999
Manufacturing cost analysis for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers
AT Mayyas, MF Ruth, BS Pivovar, G Bender, KB Wipke
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2019
Nuclear-renewable hybrid energy systems: Opportunities, interconnections, and needs
MF Ruth, OR Zinaman, M Antkowiak, RD Boardman, RS Cherry, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 78, 684-694, 2014
Conditioning hemicellulose hydrolysates for fermentation: effects of overliming pH on sugar and ethanol yields
A Mohagheghi, M Ruth, DJ Schell
Process biochemistry 41 (8), 1806-1811, 2006
A bioethanol process development unit: initial operating experiences and results with a corn fiber feedstock
DJ Schell, CJ Riley, N Dowe, J Farmer, KN Ibsen, MF Ruth, ST Toon, ...
Bioresource Technology 91 (2), 179-188, 2004
Transactive home energy management systems: The impact of their proliferation on the electric grid
A Pratt, D Krishnamurthy, M Ruth, H Wu, M Lunacek, P Vaynshenk
IEEE Electrification Magazine 4 (4), 8-14, 2016
The technical and economic potential of the H2@ scale hydrogen concept within the United States
MF Ruth, P Jadun, N Gilroy, E Connelly, R Boardman, AJ Simon, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2020
Challenges and opportunities in decarbonizing the US energy system
DJ Arent, P Green, Z Abdullah, T Barnes, S Bauer, A Bernstein, D Berry, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 169, 112939, 2022
Multicarrier energy systems: shaping our energy future
MJ O’Malley, MB Anwar, S Heinen, T Kober, J McCalley, M McPherson, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (9), 1437-1456, 2020
Generation and use of thermal energy in the US industrial sector and opportunities to reduce its carbon emissions
C McMillan, R Boardman, M McKellar, P Sabharwall, M Ruth, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2016
Contaminant occurrence, identification and control in a pilot-scale corn fiber to ethanol conversion process
DJ Schell, N Dowe, KN Ibsen, CJ Riley, MF Ruth, RE Lumpkin
Bioresource technology 98 (15), 2942-2948, 2007
Multi-input, multi-output hybrid energy systems
DJ Arent, SM Bragg-Sitton, DC Miller, TJ Tarka, JA Engel-Cox, ...
Joule 5 (1), 47-58, 2021
Cost of ownership and well-to-wheels carbon emissions/oil use of alternative fuels and advanced light-duty vehicle technologies
A Elgowainy, A Rousseau, M Wang, M Ruth, D Andress, J Ward, F Joseck, ...
Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (6), 626-641, 2013
Hydrogen pathways: updated cost, well-to-wheels energy use, and emissions for the current technology status of ten hydrogen production, delivery, and distribution scenarios
T Ramsden, M Ruth, V Diakov, M Laffen, TA Timbario
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2013
Hydrogen pathways: cost, well-to-wheels energy use, and emissions for the current technology status of seven hydrogen production, delivery, and distribution scenarios
M Ruth, M Laffen, TA Timbario
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2009
Evaluation of hydrogen production feasibility for a light water reactor in the midwest
KL Frick, PW Talbot, DS Wendt, RD Boardman, C Rabiti, SM Bragg-Sitton, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2019
Modeling the enzymatic hydrolysis of dilute-acid pretreated douglas fir
DJ Schell, MF Ruth, MP Tucker
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 77, 67-81, 1999
NREL/DOE ethanol pilot-plant: current status and capabilities
QA Nguyen, JH Dickow, BW Duff, JD Farmer, DA Glassner, KN Ibsen, ...
Bioresource Technology 58 (2), 189-196, 1996
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Articles 1–20