Stephen P. Mackessy
Stephen P. Mackessy
Professor of Biology, University of Northern Colorado
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Handbook of venoms and toxins of reptiles
SP Mackessy
CRC press, 2016
Venom ontogeny in the Pacific rattlesnakes Crotalus viridis helleri and C. v. oreganus
SP Mackessy
Copeia, 92-101, 1988
The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes
TA Castoe, APJ de Koning, KT Hall, DC Card, DR Schield, MK Fujita, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (51), 20645-20650, 2013
An aqueous endpoint assay of snake venom phospholipase A2
M Holzer, SP Mackessy
Toxicon 34 (10), 1149-1155, 1996
Denmotoxin, a three-finger toxin from the colubrid snake Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove Catsnake) with bird-specific activity
J Pawlak, SP Mackessy, BG Fry, M Bhatia, G Mourier, C Fruchart-Gaillard, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (39), 29030-29041, 2006
Venom of the Brown Treesnake, Boiga irregularis: ontogenetic shifts and taxa-specific toxicity
SP Mackessy, NM Sixberry, WH Heyborne, T Fritts
Toxicon 47 (5), 537-548, 2006
Irditoxin, a novel covalently linked heterodimeric three‐finger toxin with high taxon‐specific neurotoxicity
J Pawlak, SP Mackessy, NM Sixberry, EA Stura, MH Le Du, R Ménez, ...
The FASEB Journal 23 (2), 534-545, 2009
Biochemistry and pharmacology of colubrid snake venoms
SP Mackessy
Journal of Toxicology: Toxin Reviews 21 (1-2), 43-83, 2002
Thrombinlike enzymes from snake venoms
H Pirkle, I Theodor
Handbook of Natural Toxins, 225-252, 2018
Venom composition in rattlesnakes: trends and biological significance
SP Mackessy
The biology of rattlesnakes 495, 510, 2008
Functional basis of a molecular adaptation: prey-specific toxic effects of venom from Sistrurus rattlesnakes
HL Gibbs, SP Mackessy
Toxicon 53 (6), 672-679, 2009
Evolutionary trends in venom composition in the western rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis sensu lato): toxicity vs. tenderizers
SP Mackessy
Toxicon 55 (8), 1463-1474, 2010
Venom Proteomes of Closely Related Sistrurus Rattlesnakes with Divergent Diets
L Sanz, HL Gibbs, SP Mackessy, JJ Calvete
Journal of proteome research 5 (9), 2098-2112, 2006
The field of reptile toxinology.
SP Mackessy
Ontogenetic Variation in Venom Composition and Diet of Crotalus oreganus concolor: A Case of Venom Paedomorphosis?
SP Mackessy, K Williams, KG Ashton
Copeia 2003 (4), 769-782, 2003
Snake venom fibrinogenolytic and fibrinolytic enzymes: an updated inventory
FS Markland Jr
Thrombosis and haemostasis 79 (03), 668-674, 1998
The origins and evolution of chromosomes, dosage compensation, and mechanisms underlying venom regulation in snakes
DR Schield, DC Card, NR Hales, BW Perry, GM Pasquesi, H Blackmon, ...
Genome research 29 (4), 590-601, 2019
The venom gland transcriptome of the Desert Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii): towards an understanding of venom composition among …
S Pahari, SP Mackessy, RM Kini
BMC molecular biology 8, 1-17, 2007
Characterization of venom (Duvernoy’s secretion) from twelve species of colubrid snakes and partial sequence of four venom proteins
RE Hill, SP Mackessy
Toxicon 38 (12), 1663-1687, 2000
Expression of venom gene homologs in diverse python tissues suggests a new model for the evolution of snake venom
J Reyes-Velasco, DC Card, AL Andrew, KJ Shaney, RH Adams, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (1), 173-183, 2015
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Articles 1–20