Articles with public access mandates - Adeel LuqmanLearn more
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Understanding mobile payment users’ continuance intention: a trust transfer perspective
X Cao, L Yu, Z Liu, M Gong, L Adeel
Internet Research 28 (2), 456-476, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Excessive use of mobile social networking sites and poor academic performance: Antecedents and consequences from stressor-strain-outcome perspective
X Cao, A Masood, A Luqman, A Ali
Computers in Human Behavior 85, 163-174, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Improving team innovation performance: role of social media and team knowledge management capabilities
A Ali, W Bahadur, N Wang, A Luqman, AN Khan
Technology in Society 61, 101259, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Adverse consequences of excessive social networking site use on academic performance: Explaining underlying mechanism from stress perspective
A Masood, A Luqman, Y Feng, A Ali
Computers in human behavior 113, 106476, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Linking excessive SNS use, technological friction, strain, and discontinuance: the moderating role of guilt
A Luqman, A Masood, Q Weng, A Ali, MI Rasheed
Information Systems Management 37 (2), 94-112, 2020
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Excessive SNS use at work, technological conflicts and employee performance: A social-cognitive-behavioral perspective
S Saleem, Y Feng, A Luqman
Technology in Society 65, 101584, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unraveling the psychological and behavioral consequences of using enterprise social media (ESM) in mitigating the cyberslacking
A Nusrat, Y He, A Luqman, A Mehrotra, A Shankar
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 196, 122868, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unlocking sustainable success: Strategic approaches to carbon neutrality
Y Sui, A Luqman, V Chotia, G Jain, A Mehrotra
Journal of Cleaner Production 434, 140216, 2024
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
From slack to strength: Examining ESNs impact on mental toughness and cyberslacking in the workplace
A Nusrat, Y He, A Luqman, S Nijjer, R Gugnani
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 198, 122950, 2024
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unraveling real-time mobile connectivity paradox and emotional ambivalence: a quasi-experimental design from a multi-source perspective
Y Sui, A Luqman, M Unhale, F Schiavone, MT Cuomo
Information Technology & People, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Empirical investigation of Facebook discontinues usage intentions based on SOR paradigm
A Luqman, X Cao, A Ali, A Masood, L Yu
Computers in Human Behavior 70, 544-555, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Does enterprise social media use promote employee creativity and well-being?
A Luqman, S Talwar, A Masood, A Dhir
Journal of business research 131, 40-54, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An SDT and TPB-based integrated approach to explore the role of autonomous and controlled motivations in “SNS discontinuance intention”
A Luqman, A Masood, A Ali
Computers in Human Behavior 85, 298-307, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enterprise social media and cyber-slacking: A Kahn’s model perspective
A Nusrat, Y He, A Luqman, A Waheed, A Dhir
Information & Management 58 (1), 103405, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
After-hours work-related technology use and individuals' deviance: the role of other-initiated versus self-initiated interruptions
J Khalid, QD Weng, A Luqman, MI Rasheed, M Hina
Information Technology & People 35 (7), 1955-1979, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
After-hours work-related technology use and individuals' deviance: the role of interruption overload, psychological transition and task closure
J Khalid, QD Weng, A Luqman, MI Rasheed, M Hina
Kybernetes 52 (1), 158-181, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Integrated development of digital and energy industries: Paving the way for carbon emission reduction
J Wang, XH Nghiem, F Jabeen, A Luqman, M Song
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 187, 122236, 2023
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Untangling the adverse effects of late-night usage of smartphone-based SNS among University students
A Luqman, A Masood, F Shahzad, M Shahbaz, Y Feng
Behaviour & Information Technology 40 (15), 1671-1687, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impact of big data analytics on sales performance in pharmaceutical organizations: The role of customer relationship management capabilities
M Shahbaz, C Gao, L Zhai, F Shahzad, A Luqman, R Zahid
Plos one 16 (4), e0250229, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Untangling the adverse effect of SNS stressors on academic performance and its impact on students’ social media discontinuation intention: the moderating role of guilt
A Masood, A Luqman, Y Feng, F Shahzad
Sage Open 12 (1), 21582440221079905, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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