Tavakol Pakizeh
Tavakol Pakizeh
Associate Prof. of EE, K.N. Toosi University of Tech.
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Designer Magnetoplasmonics with Nickel Nanoferromagnets
V Bonanni, S Bonetti, T Pakizeh, Z Pirzadeh, J Chen, J Nogués, ...
Nano Letters 11 (12), 5333-5338, 2011
Enhanced nanoplasmonic optical sensors with reduced substrate effect
A Dmitriev, C Hägglund, S Chen, H Fredriksson, T Pakizeh, M Käll, ...
Nano letters 8 (11), 3893-3898, 2008
Unidirectional ultracompact optical nanoantennas
T Pakizeh, M Käll
Nano Letters 9 (6), 2343-2349, 2009
Nanohole plasmons in optically thin gold films
T Rindzevicius, Y Alaverdyan, B Sepulveda, T Pakizeh, M Käll, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (3), 1207-1212, 2007
Gold–silica–gold nanosandwiches: tunable bimodal plasmonic resonators
A Dmitriev, T Pakizeh, M Käll, DS Sutherland
Small 3 (2), 294-299, 2007
Magnetic-field enhancement in gold nanosandwiches
T Pakizeh, MS Abrishamian, N Granpayeh, A Dmitriev, M Käll
Optics Express 14 (18), 8240-8246, 2006
Magnetoplasmonic design rules for active magneto-optics
K Lodewijks, N Maccaferri, T Pakizeh, RK Dumas, I Zubritskaya, ...
Nano letters 14 (12), 7207-7214, 2014
Intrinsic Fano interference of localized plasmons in Pd nanoparticles
T Pakizeh, C Langhammer, I Zoric, P Apell, M Käll
Nano Letters 9 (2), 882-886, 2009
Optical Forces in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers
VD Miljkovic, T Pakizeh, B Sepulveda, P Johansson, M Käll
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (16), 7472-7479, 2010
Plasmonic properties of silver trimers with trigonal symmetry fabricated by electron-beam lithography
J Alegret, T Rindzevicius, T Pakizeh, Y Alaverdyan, L Gunnarsson, M Käll
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (37), 14313-14317, 2008
Structural asymmetry and induced optical magnetism in plasmonic nanosandwiches
T Pakizeh, A Dmitriev, MS Abrishamian, N Granpayeh, M Käll
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25 (4), 659-667, 2008
Selective-mode optical nanofilters based on plasmonic complementary split-ring resonators
I Zand, A Mahigir, T Pakizeh, MS Abrishamian
Optics Express 20 (7), 7516-7525, 2012
Plasmon–Interband Coupling in Nickel Nanoantennas
Z Pirzadeh, T Pakizeh, V Miljkovic, C Langhammer, A Dmitriev
ACS Photonics 1 (3), 158-162, 2014
Optical Absorption of Plasmonic Nanoparticles in Presence of a Local Interband Transition
T Pakizeh
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (44), 21826-21831, 2011
Solar transparent radiators by optical nanoantennas
G Jönsson, D Tordera, T Pakizeh, M Jaysankar, V Miljkovic, L Tong, ...
Nano Letters 17 (11), 6766-6772, 2017
Analytical Chiroptics of 2D and 3D Nanoantennas
AF Najafabadi, T Pakizeh
ACS photonics 4 (6), 1447-1452, 2017
Optical response of supported gold nanodisks
A Mendoza-Galván, K Järrendahl, A Dmitriev, T Pakizeh, M Käll, H Arwin
Optics Express 19 (13), 12093-12107, 2011
Color-switched directional ultracompact optical nanoantennas
SH Alavi Lavasani, T Pakizeh
JOSA B 29 (6), 1361-1366, 2012
Nanoplasmonic loaded slot cavities for wavelength filtering and demultiplexing
I Zand, M Abrishamian, T Pakizeh
IEEE, 2012
Optical absorption of nanoparticles described by an electronic local interband transition
T Pakizeh
Journal of Optics 15 (2), 025001, 2012
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Articles 1–20