To illuminate or not to illuminate: Roadway lighting as it affects traffic safety at intersections JD Bullough, ET Donnell, MS Rea Accident Analysis & Prevention 53, 65-77, 2013 | 185 | 2013 |
Median barrier crash severity: Some new insights W Hu, ET Donnell Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (6), 1697-1704, 2010 | 129 | 2010 |
A framework for estimating the safety effects of roadway lighting at intersections ET Donnell, RJ Porter, VN Shankar Safety science 48 (10), 1436-1444, 2010 | 126 | 2010 |
Quantifying the safety effects of horizontal curves on two-way, two-lane rural roads JP Gooch, VV Gayah, ET Donnell Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, 71-81, 2016 | 108 | 2016 |
Predicting the frequency of median barrier crashes on Pennsylvania interstate highways ET Donnell, JM Mason Jr Accident Analysis & Prevention 38 (3), 590-599, 2006 | 107 | 2006 |
Predicting the severity of median-related crashes in Pennsylvania by using logistic regression ET Donnell, JM Mason Jr Transportation Research Record 1897 (1), 55-63, 2004 | 107 | 2004 |
Speed prediction models for trucks on two-lane rural highways ET Donnell, Y Ni, M Adolini, L Elefteriadou Transportation Research Record 1751 (1), 44-55, 2001 | 107 | 2001 |
A multivariate spatial crash frequency model for identifying sites with promise based on crash types AV Jonathan, KFK Wu, ET Donnell Accident Analysis & Prevention 87, 8-16, 2016 | 106 | 2016 |
Application of propensity scores and potential outcomes to estimate effectiveness of traffic safety countermeasures: Exploratory analysis using intersection lighting data L Sasidharan, ET Donnell Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 539-553, 2013 | 104 | 2013 |
Case–control and cross-sectional methods for estimating crash modification factors: Comparisons from roadway lighting and lane and shoulder width safety effect studies F Gross, ET Donnell Journal of safety research 42 (2), 117-129, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Speed concepts: Informational guide ET Donnell, SC Hines, KM Mahoney, RJ Porter, H McGee United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Safety, 2009 | 92 | 2009 |
Comparison of safety effect estimates obtained from empirical Bayes before–after study, propensity scores-potential outcomes framework, and regression model with cross … JS Wood, ET Donnell, RJ Porter Accident Analysis & Prevention 75, 144-154, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Models of acceleration and deceleration rates on a complex two-lane rural highway: Results from a nighttime driving experiment W Hu, ET Donnell Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 13 (6), 397-408, 2010 | 79 | 2010 |
Speed prediction models for multilane highways: simultaneous equations approach SC Himes, ET Donnell Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (10), 855-862, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Evaluating effectiveness of dynamic speed display signs in transition zones of two-lane, rural highways in Pennsylvania I Cruzado, ET Donnell Transportation research record 2122 (1), 1-8, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
Factors affecting driver speed choice along two-lane rural highway transition zones I Cruzado, ET Donnell Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (8), 755-764, 2010 | 69 | 2010 |
Estimating the safety effects of lane widths on urban streets in Nebraska using the propensity scores-potential outcomes framework JS Wood, JP Gooch, ET Donnell Accident Analysis & Prevention 82, 180-191, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Cross-median collisions on Pennsylvania interstates and expressways ET Donnell, DW Harwood, KM Bauer, J Mason Jr, MT Pietrucha Transportation Research Record 1784 (1), 91-99, 2002 | 68 | 2002 |
Severity models of cross-median and rollover crashes on rural divided highways in Pennsylvania W Hu, ET Donnell Journal of safety research 42 (5), 375-382, 2011 | 63 | 2011 |
Evaluation of effects of centerline rumble strips on lateral vehicle placement and speed RJ Porter, ET Donnell, KM Mahoney Transportation Research Record 1862 (1), 10-16, 2004 | 61 | 2004 |