Jan Barański
Jan Barański
Polish Air Force Academy, Dęblin
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Cited by
Fano-type interference in quantum dots coupled between metallic and superconducting leads
J Barański, T Domański
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (19), 195424, 2011
In-gap states of a quantum dot coupled between a normal and a superconducting lead
J Barański, T Domański
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (43), 435305, 2013
Interplay between correlations and Majorana mode in proximitized quantum dot
G Górski, J Barański, I Weymann, T Domański
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 15717, 2018
Decoherence effect on Fano line shapes in double quantum dots coupled between normal and superconducting leads
J Barański, T Domański
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (20), 205451, 2012
Spin-sensitive interference due to Majorana state on the interface between normal and superconducting leads
J Barański, A Kobiałka, T Domański
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (7), 075603, 2016
Spin-sensitive interference due to Majorana state on the interface between normal and superconducting leads
J Baranski, A Kobialka, T Domanski
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 29 (7), 2017
Leakage of Majorana mode into correlated quantum dot nearby its singlet-doublet crossover
T Zienkiewicz, J Barański, G Górski, T Domański
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2), 025302, 2019
Anomalous Fano resonance in double quantum dot system coupled to superconductor
J Barański, T Zienkiewicz, M Barańska, KJ Kapcia
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2881, 2020
Diversity of charge orderings in correlated systems
KJ Kapcia, J Barański, A Ptok
Physical Review E 96 (4), 042104, 2017
Enhancements of the Andreev conductance due to emission/absorption of bosonic quanta
J Barański, T Domański
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (30), 305302, 2015
Dynamical leakage of Majorana mode into side-attached quantum dot
J Barański, M Barańska, T Zienkiewicz, R Taranko, T Domański
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235416, 2021
Fano-type resonances induced by a boson mode in Andreev conductance
J Barański, T Domański
Chinese Physics B 24 (1), 017304, 2015
Various charge-ordered states in the extended Hubbard model with on-site attraction in the zero-bandwidth limit
KJ Kapcia, J Barański, S Robaszkiewicz, A Ptok
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30, 109-115, 2017
Interplay between the correlations and superconductivity in electron transport through the double quantum dots
J Barański, T Domański
Acta Physica Polonica A 121 (5-6), 1213-1215, 2012
Nonlocal correlations transmitted between quantum dots via short topological superconductor
G Górski, KP Wójcik, J Barański, I Weymann, T Domański
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 13848, 2024
Magnetic and charge orders on the triangular lattice: Extended Hubbard model with intersite Ising-like magnetic interactions in the atomic limit
KJ Kapcia, J Barański
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 591, 171702, 2024
Tunable interplay between superconductivity and correlations in nanoscopic heterostructures
T Domański, J Barański, M Zapalska
Philosophical Magazine 95 (5-6), 538-549, 2015
Interference effects on double quantum dots coupled between metallic and superconducting leads
J Barański, T Domański
Acta Physica Polonica A 121 (4), 812-815, 2012
Continuous unitary transformation approach to the Kondo–Majorana interplay
J Barański, M Barańska, T Zienkiewicz, J Tomaszewska, KJ Kapcia
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 588, 171464, 2023
Dynamics of Fano-Like Resonances in Double-Quantum-Dot Systems
J Barański, KJ Kapcia
Acta Physica Polonica A ISSN 1898-794X 143 (2), 143-143, 2023
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Articles 1–20