Colin Lindsay
Cited by
Cited by
The concept of employability
RW McQuaid, C Lindsay
Urban studies 42 (2), 197-219, 2005
New approaches to employability in the UK: combining ‘human capital development’and ‘work first’strategies?
C Lindsay, RW McQuaid, M Dutton
Journal of social policy 36 (4), 539-560, 2007
Avoiding the ‘McJobs’ unemployed job seekers and attitudes to service work
C Lindsay, RW McQuaid
Work, employment and society 18 (2), 297-319, 2004
Unemployment duration and employability in remote rural labour markets
C Lindsay, M McCracken, RW McQuaid
Journal of rural studies 19 (2), 187-200, 2003
The ‘new public governance’and employability services in an era of crisis: Challenges for third sector organizations in Scotland
C Lindsay, SP Osborne, SUE Bond
Public Administration 92 (1), 192-207, 2014
The ‘employability gap’: long-term unemployment and barriers to work in buoyant labour markets
RW McQuaid, C Lindsay
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 20 (4), 613-628, 2002
Personalization and street‐level practice in activation: The case of the UK's Work Programme
V Fuertes, C Lindsay
Public Administration 94 (2), 526-541, 2016
Ageing, skills and participation in work-related training in Britain: assessing the position of older workers
J Canduela, M Dutton, S Johnson, C Lindsay, RW McQuaid, R Raeside
Work, Employment and Society 26 (1), 42-60, 2012
In a lonely place? Social networks, job seeking and the experience of long-term unemployment
C Lindsay
Social Policy and Society 9 (1), 25-37, 2010
Inter‐agency cooperation and new approaches to employability
C Lindsay, RW McQuaid, M Dutton
Social Policy & Administration 42 (7), 715-732, 2008
Different routes, common directions? Activation policies for young people in Denmark and the UK
C Lindsay, M Mailand
International Journal of Social Welfare 13 (3), 195-207, 2004
‘Lean’, new technologies and employment in public health services: employees' experiences in the National Health Service
C Lindsay, J Commander, P Findlay, M Bennie, E Dunlop Corcoran, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (21), 2941-2956, 2014
Employability, services for unemployed job seekers and the digital divide
C Lindsay
Urban Studies 42 (2), 325-339, 2005
Long‐term unemployment and the “employability gap”: priorities for renewing Britain’s New Deal
C Lindsay
Journal of European Industrial Training 26 (9), 411-419, 2002
Inter-agency co-operation in activation: Comparing experiences in three vanguard ‘active’welfare states
C Lindsay, RW McQuaid
Social policy and society 7 (3), 353-365, 2008
Alternative job search strategies in remote rural and peri‐urban labour markets: the role of social networks
C Lindsay, M Greig, RW McQuaid
Sociologia Ruralis 45 (1‐2), 53-70, 2005
Collaborative innovation, new technologies, and work redesign
C Lindsay, P Findlay, J McQuarrie, M Bennie, ED Corcoran, ...
Public Administration Review 78 (2), 251-260, 2018
Employer choice and job quality: Workplace innovation, work redesign, and employee perceptions of job quality in a complex health-care setting
P Findlay, C Lindsay, J McQuarrie, M Bennie, ED Corcoran, ...
Work and Occupations 44 (1), 113-136, 2017
‘Reconnecting’the Unemployed Information and communication technology and services for jobseekers in rural areas
R McQuaid, C Lindsay, M Greig
Information Communication & Society 7 (3), 364-388, 2004
‘McJobs’,‘good jobs’ and skills: job‐seekers' attitudes to low‐skilled service work
C Lindsay
Human Resource Management Journal 15 (2), 50-65, 2005
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Articles 1–20