D. K. Chauhan
Cited by
Cited by
An overview on manufactured nanoparticles in plants: uptake, translocation, accumulation and phytotoxicity
DK Tripathi, S Singh, S Singh, R Pandey, VP Singh, NC Sharma, ...
Plant physiology and biochemistry 110, 2-12, 2017
Silicon nanoparticles more effectively alleviated UV-B stress than silicon in wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings
DK Tripathi, S Singh, VP Singh, SM Prasad, NK Dubey, DK Chauhan
Plant physiology and biochemistry 110, 70-81, 2017
Application of silicon nanoparticles in agriculture
A Rastogi, DK Tripathi, S Yadav, DK Chauhan, M Živčák, M Ghorbanpour, ...
3 Biotech 9, 1-11, 2019
Silicon nanoparticles (SiNp) alleviate chromium (VI) phytotoxicity in Pisum sativum (L.) seedlings
DK Tripathi, VP Singh, SM Prasad, DK Chauhan, NK Dubey
Plant physiology and biochemistry 96, 189-198, 2015
Toxicity of aluminium on various levels of plant cells and organism: a review
S Singh, DK Tripathi, S Singh, S Sharma, NK Dubey, DK Chauhan, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 137, 177-193, 2017
Nitric oxide alleviates silver nanoparticles (AgNps)-induced phytotoxicity in Pisum sativum seedlings
DK Tripathi, S Singh, S Singh, PK Srivastava, VP Singh, S Singh, ...
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 110, 167-177, 2017
Influence of high and low levels of plant-beneficial heavy metal ions on plant growth and development
N Arif, V Yadav, S Singh, S Singh, P Ahmad, RK Mishra, S Sharma, ...
Frontiers in environmental science 4, 69, 2016
Micronutrients and their diverse role in agricultural crops: advances and future prospective
DK Tripathi, S Singh, S Singh, S Mishra, DK Chauhan, NK Dubey
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 37, 1-14, 2015
Reactive oxygen species (ROS): beneficial companions of plants’ developmental processes
R Singh, S Singh, P Parihar, RK Mishra, DK Tripathi, VP Singh, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1299, 2016
Uptake, accumulation and toxicity of silver nanoparticle in autotrophic plants, and heterotrophic microbes: a concentric review
DK Tripathi, A Tripathi, Shweta, S Singh, Y Singh, K Vishwakarma, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 07, 2017
Paradigms of climate change impacts on some major food sources of the world: A review on current knowledge and future prospects
A Tripathi, DK Tripathi, DK Chauhan, N Kumar, GS Singh
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 216, 356-373, 2016
Silicon nanoparticles more efficiently alleviate arsenate toxicity than silicon in maize cultiver and hybrid differing in arsenate tolerance
DK Tripathi, S Singh, VP Singh, SM Prasad, DK Chauhan, NK Dubey
Frontiers in Environmental Science 4, 46, 2016
Impact of exogenous silicon addition on chromium uptake, growth, mineral elements, oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity, and leaf and root structures in rice seedlings …
DK Tripathi, VP Singh, D Kumar, DK Chauhan
Acta physiologiae plantarum 34, 279-289, 2012
Acquisition and homeostasis of iron in higher plants and their probable role in abiotic stress tolerance
DK Tripathi, S Singh, S Gaur, S Singh, V Yadav, S Liu, VP Singh, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 5, 86, 2018
Differential Phytotoxic Impact of Plant Mediated Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) and Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) on Brassica sp.
K Vishwakarma, Shweta, N Upadhyay, J Singh, S Liu, VP Singh, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1501, 2017
Silicon-mediated alleviation of Cr(VI) toxicity in wheat seedlings as evidenced by chlorophyll fluorescence, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and anatomical changes
DK Tripathi, VP Singh, SM Prasad, DK Chauhan, NK Dubey, AK Rai
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 113, 133-144, 2015
Diverse physiological roles of flavonoids in plant environmental stress responses and tolerance
A Shomali, S Das, N Arif, M Sarraf, N Zahra, V Yadav, S Aliniaeifard, ...
Plants 11 (22), 3158, 2022
Nitric oxide ameliorates zinc oxide nanoparticles phytotoxicity in wheat seedlings: implication of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle
DK Tripathi, RK Mishra, S Singh, S Singh, K Vishwakarma, S Sharma, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 1, 2017
Rice seedlings under cadmium stress: effect of silicon on growth, cadmium uptake, oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity and root and leaf structures
DK Tripathi, VP Singh, D Kumar, DK Chauhan
Chemistry and Ecology 28 (3), 281-291, 2012
Role of macronutrients in plant growth and acclimation: recent advances and future prospective
DK Tripathi, VP Singh, DK Chauhan, SM Prasad, NK Dubey
Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes: Volume 2, 197-216, 2014
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Articles 1–20