Topographic influence on submesoscale dynamics in the Southern Ocean I Rosso, AMC Hogg, AE Kiss, B Gayen Geophysical Research Letters 42 (4), 1139-1147, 2015 | 87 | 2015 |
Vertical transport in the ocean due to sub-mesoscale structures: Impacts in the Kerguelen region I Rosso, AMC Hogg, PG Strutton, AE Kiss, R Matear, A Klocker, ... Ocean Modelling 80, 10-23, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Water mass and biogeochemical variability in the Kerguelen sector of the Southern Ocean: A machine learning approach for a mixing hot spot I Rosso, MR Mazloff, LD Talley, SG Purkey, NM Freeman, G Maze Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (3), e2019JC015877, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Southern Ocean biogeochemical float deployment strategy, with example from the Greenwich Meridian line (GO‐SHIP A12) LD Talley, I Rosso, I Kamenkovich, MR Mazloff, J Wang, E Boss, AR Gray, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (1), 403-431, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Indo‐Pacific sector dominates Southern Ocean carbon outgassing CJ Prend, AR Gray, LD Talley, ST Gille, FA Haumann, KS Johnson, ... Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36 (7), e2021GB007226, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
Classifying oceanographic structures in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica L Boehme, I Rosso Geophysical Research Letters 48 (5), e2020GL089412, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
Physical drivers of phytoplankton bloom initiation in the Southern Ocean's Scotia Sea CJ Prend, ST Gille, LD Talley, BG Mitchell, I Rosso, MR Mazloff Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (8), 5811-5826, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Space and time variability of the S outhern O cean carbon budget I Rosso, MR Mazloff, A Verdy, LD Talley Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (9), 7407-7432, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Quantifying the influence of sub-mesoscale dynamics on the supply of iron to Southern Ocean phytoplankton blooms I Rosso, AMC Hogg, R Matear, PG Strutton Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 115, 199-209, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
A multivariate empirical orthogonal function method to construct nitrate maps in the Southern Ocean YC Liang, MR Mazloff, I Rosso, SW Fang, JY Yu Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35 (7), 1505-1519, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
The observed seasonal cycle of macronutrients in Drake Passage: Relationship to fronts and utility as a model metric NM Freeman, DR Munro, J Sprintall, MR Mazloff, S Purkey, I Rosso, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (7), 4763-4783, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Unsupervised classification identifies coherent thermohaline structures in the Weddell Gyre region DC Jones, M Sonnewald, S Zhou, U Hausmann, AJS Meijers, I Rosso, ... Ocean Science 19 (3), 857-885, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Variability in the meridional overturning circulation at 32 S in the Pacific Ocean diagnosed by inverse box models C Arumí-Planas, A Hernández-Guerra, V Caínzos, P Vélez-Belchí, ... Progress in Oceanography 203, 102780, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Sub-Daily Global Gravity Mapping from Space T Yunck, A Saltman, A Patelli, I Rosso, L Deva, F Cascone, M Cardi AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, G42A-12, 2022 | | 2022 |
Unsupervised classification identifies coherent thermohaline structures in the Weddell Gyre D Jones, S Zhou, M Sonnewald, I Rosso, L Boehme Authorea Preprints, 2022 | | 2022 |
Unsupervised classification identifies coherent thermohaline structures in the Weddell Gyre M Sonnewald, I Rosso, S Zhou, L Boehme EGU22, 2022 | | 2022 |
Variability in the Meridional Overturning Circulation at 32S in the Pacific Ocean during 2009 diagnosed by Inverse Box Models C Arumi-Planas, A Hernandez-Guerra, P Velez-Belchi, R Farneti, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, OS15B-0976, 2021 | | 2021 |
Zonal asymmetry of Southern Ocean air-sea carbon fluxes C Prend, A Gray, L Talley, S Gille, A Haumann, K Johnson, S Riser, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-2155, 2021 | | 2021 |
Using Machine Learning to Classify Oceanographic Structures in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. L Boehme, I Rosso AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, C057-01, 2020 | | 2020 |
Pacific/Circumpolar and North Atlantic Deep Waters in the Argentine Basin: Lateral Stirring within the AMOC SVS Brand, LD Talley, C Prend AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, PP035-0010, 2020 | | 2020 |