DaShaunda Patterson
DaShaunda Patterson
Clinical Assistant Professor of Special Education, Georgia State University
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The impact of an online stress intervention on burnout and teacher efficacy
BM Ansley, DE Houchins, K Varjas, A Roach, DS Patterson, R Hendrick
Teaching and Teacher Education 98, 103251, 2021
Barriers and facilitators to providing incarcerated youth with a quality education
DE Houchins, DS Puckett-Patterson, S Crosby, ME Shippen, K Jolivette
Preventing school failure: Alternative education for children and youth 53 …, 2009
Using choice to increase time on-task, task-completion, and accuracy for students with emotional/behavior disorders in a residential facility
ML Ramsey, K Jolivette, DSP Patterson, C Kennedy
Education and Treatment of Children 33 (1), 1-21, 2010
Community and school practices to reduce delinquent behavior: Intervening on the school-to-prison pipeline
ME Shippen, DS Patterson, KL Green, T Smitherman
Teacher Education and Special Education 35 (4), 296-308, 2012
Classroom Structure and Teacher Efficacy in Serving Students with Disabilities: Differences in Elementary and Secondary Teachers.
ME Shippen, MM Flores, SA Crites, DS Patterson, ML Ramsey, ...
International Journal of Special Education 26 (3), 36-44, 2011
An examination of the basic reading skills of incarcerated males
ME Shippen, DE Houchins, SA Crites, NC Derzis, D Patterson
Adult Learning 21 (3-4), 4-12, 2010
Special Education and General Education Teachers' Knowledge and Perceived Teaching Competence in Mathematics.
MM Flores, DS Patterson, ME Shippen, V Hinton, TM Franklin
Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers 1, 2010
School-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports in a residential school for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: First years of implementation and …
K Jolivette, DP Patterson, NC Swoszowski, SC McDaniel, C Kennedy, ...
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 31 (1), 63-79, 2014
Using precorrection to manage inappropriate academic and social behaviors.
S Crosby, K Jolivette, DS Patterson
Beyond behavior 16 (1), 2006
Improving adolescent reading skills in rural areas using evidence-based practices
ME Shippen, A Miller, DS Patterson, DE Houchins, CB Darch
Rural Special Education Quarterly 33 (2), 12-17, 2014
Social Skills Training for Students Who Demonstrate Poor Self-Control.
DSS Patterson, K Jolivette, S Crosby
Beyond Behavior 15 (3), 2006
School counselors training paraprofessionals: A practical model for providing technical assistance in the rural school setting
C Darch, ME Shippen, E Darch, DS Patterson, C Massey
Rural Special Education Quarterly 33 (4), 33-40, 2014
Implementing check in/check out for students with emotional and behavioral disorders in residential and juvenile justice settings.
NC Swoszowski, DSP Patterson, S Crosby
Beyond Behavior 20 (1), 2010
SWPBIS in a residential school for students with emotional and behavioral disorders: First years of implementation and maintenance follow-up focus group
K Jolivette, DP Patterson, NC Swoszowski, SC McDaniel, C Kennedy, ...
Residential Treatment of Children and Youth 31, 63-79, 2014
An examination of the written expression skills of incarcerated males
ME Shippen, DS Patterson, C Dunn, NC Derzis, CL Nelson, DE Houchins
Journal of Correctional Education, 189-202, 2010
The Differential Effects of Direct Instruction and Procedural Facilitators on the Writing Outcomes of Fifth-Grade Students with Behavior Disorders.
DS Patterson, DE Houchins, K Jolivette, J Heflin, L Fredrick
Journal of Direct Instruction 11, 1-14, 2011
Dismantling Barriers to the Demographic Imperative: Illuminating and Addressing Hurdles Experienced by Global-Majority Teacher Residents in School-University Partnerships
T Fisher-Ari, AE Martin, D Patterson, HG Haile, E Tennies, H Ngo
School-University Partnerships 14 (3), 116-137, 2021
Multi-Site Audit of EGFR T790M Confirmation by Liquid/Tissue Biopsies and Osimertinib Use in Patients with EGFR Mutant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
OD Davis, AA Al-Abdullah, DP Patterson, GJD Doherty, AM Martin
An audit to investigate initial experience with immunotherapy for lung cancer patients at West Suffolk Hospital
J Innerarity, Y Shen, A Martin, D Patterson
Lung Cancer 139, S52, 2020
An audit on the use of osimertinib in T790M EGFR+ patients at West Suffolk Hospital
O Davis, D Patterson, A Martin
Lung Cancer 127, S40, 2019
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Articles 1–20