Gary Smith
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Coarse-grained nonmarine volcaniclastic sediment: terminology and depositional process
GA Smith
Geological Society of America Bulletin 97 (1), 1-10, 1986
Lahars: volcano-hydrologic events and deposition in the debris flow—hyperconcentrated flow continuum
GA Smith, DR Lowe
Facies sequences and geometries in continental volcaniclastic sediments
GA Smith
Volcanic influences on terrestrial sedimentation
GA Smith, WJ Fritz
Geology 17 (4), 375-376, 1989
The influence of explosive volcanism on fluvial sedimentation; the Deschutes Formation (Neogene) in central Oregon
GA Smith
Journal of Sedimentary Research 57 (4), 613-629, 1987
Climatic influences on continental deposition during late-stage filling of an extensional basin, southeastern Arizona
GA Smith
Geological Society of America Bulletin 106 (9), 1212-1228, 1994
Provenance modelling as a technique for analysing source terrane evolution and controls on foreland sedimentation
SA Graham, RB Tolson, PG DeCelles, RV Ingersoll, E Bargar, M Caldwell, ...
Foreland basins, 425-436, 1986
Sedimentology of proximal to distal volcaniclastics dispersed across an active foldbelt: Ellensburg Formation (late Miocene), central Washington
GA Smith
Sedimentology 35 (6), 953-977, 1988
How does student performance on formative assessments relate to learning assessed by exams?
G Smith
Journal of College Science Teaching 36 (7), 2007
Missoula flood dynamics and magnitudes inferred from sedimentology of slack-water deposits on the Columbia Plateau, Washington
GA Smith
Geological Society of America Bulletin 105 (1), 77-100, 1993
Intra-arc basins
GA Smith
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 1988
Volcanism, tectonics and sedimentation
RV Fisher, GA Smith
Sedimentology of volcanism-induced aggradation in fluvial basins: examples from the Pacific Northwest, USA
GA Smith
Laramide thrust-generated alluvial-fan sedimentation, Sphinx Conglomerate, southwestern Montana
PG DeCelles, RB Tolson, SA Graham, GA Smith, RV Ingersoll, J White, ...
AAPG Bulletin 71 (2), 135-155, 1987
Sedimentation in volcanic settings
RV Fisher, GA Smith
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), 1991
Recognition and significance of streamflow‐dominated piedmont facies in extensional basins
GA Smith
Basin Research 12 (3‐4), 399-411, 2000
Neoproterozoic Chuar Group (∼ 800–742 Ma), Grand Canyon: A record of cyclic marine deposition during global cooling and supercontinent rifting
CM Dehler, M Elrick, KE Karlstrom, GA Smith, LJ Crossey, JM Timmons
Sedimentary Geology 141, 465-499, 2001
Stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and petrologic record of late Miocene subsidence of the central Oregon High Cascades
GA Smith, LW Snee, EM Taylor
Geology 15 (5), 389-392, 1987
Comparison of a paleosol-carbonate isotope record to other records of Pliocene-early Pleistocene climate in the western United States
GA Smith, Y Wang, TE Cerling, JW Geissman
Geology 21 (8), 691-694, 1993
Assessing roles of volcanism and basin subsudence in causing oligocene-lower miocene sedimentation in the northern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, USA
GA Smith, JD Moore, WC McIntosh
Journal of Sedimentary Research 72 (6), 836-848, 2002
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Articles 1–20