Coarse-grained nonmarine volcaniclastic sediment: terminology and depositional process GA Smith Geological Society of America Bulletin 97 (1), 1-10, 1986 | 698 | 1986 |
Lahars: volcano-hydrologic events and deposition in the debris flow—hyperconcentrated flow continuum GA Smith, DR Lowe | 512 | 1991 |
Facies sequences and geometries in continental volcaniclastic sediments GA Smith | 258 | 1991 |
Volcanic influences on terrestrial sedimentation GA Smith, WJ Fritz Geology 17 (4), 375-376, 1989 | 229 | 1989 |
The influence of explosive volcanism on fluvial sedimentation; the Deschutes Formation (Neogene) in central Oregon GA Smith Journal of Sedimentary Research 57 (4), 613-629, 1987 | 226 | 1987 |
Climatic influences on continental deposition during late-stage filling of an extensional basin, southeastern Arizona GA Smith Geological Society of America Bulletin 106 (9), 1212-1228, 1994 | 149 | 1994 |
Provenance modelling as a technique for analysing source terrane evolution and controls on foreland sedimentation SA Graham, RB Tolson, PG DeCelles, RV Ingersoll, E Bargar, M Caldwell, ... Foreland basins, 425-436, 1986 | 143 | 1986 |
Sedimentology of proximal to distal volcaniclastics dispersed across an active foldbelt: Ellensburg Formation (late Miocene), central Washington GA Smith Sedimentology 35 (6), 953-977, 1988 | 133 | 1988 |
How does student performance on formative assessments relate to learning assessed by exams? G Smith Journal of College Science Teaching 36 (7), 2007 | 127 | 2007 |
Missoula flood dynamics and magnitudes inferred from sedimentology of slack-water deposits on the Columbia Plateau, Washington GA Smith Geological Society of America Bulletin 105 (1), 77-100, 1993 | 125 | 1993 |
Intra-arc basins GA Smith American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, 1988 | 119 | 1988 |
Volcanism, tectonics and sedimentation RV Fisher, GA Smith | 113 | 1991 |
Sedimentology of volcanism-induced aggradation in fluvial basins: examples from the Pacific Northwest, USA GA Smith | 112 | 1987 |
Laramide thrust-generated alluvial-fan sedimentation, Sphinx Conglomerate, southwestern Montana PG DeCelles, RB Tolson, SA Graham, GA Smith, RV Ingersoll, J White, ... AAPG Bulletin 71 (2), 135-155, 1987 | 111 | 1987 |
Sedimentation in volcanic settings RV Fisher, GA Smith SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), 1991 | 106 | 1991 |
Recognition and significance of streamflow‐dominated piedmont facies in extensional basins GA Smith Basin Research 12 (3‐4), 399-411, 2000 | 90 | 2000 |
Neoproterozoic Chuar Group (∼ 800–742 Ma), Grand Canyon: A record of cyclic marine deposition during global cooling and supercontinent rifting CM Dehler, M Elrick, KE Karlstrom, GA Smith, LJ Crossey, JM Timmons Sedimentary Geology 141, 465-499, 2001 | 85 | 2001 |
Stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and petrologic record of late Miocene subsidence of the central Oregon High Cascades GA Smith, LW Snee, EM Taylor Geology 15 (5), 389-392, 1987 | 85 | 1987 |
Comparison of a paleosol-carbonate isotope record to other records of Pliocene-early Pleistocene climate in the western United States GA Smith, Y Wang, TE Cerling, JW Geissman Geology 21 (8), 691-694, 1993 | 83 | 1993 |
Assessing roles of volcanism and basin subsudence in causing oligocene-lower miocene sedimentation in the northern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, USA GA Smith, JD Moore, WC McIntosh Journal of Sedimentary Research 72 (6), 836-848, 2002 | 78 | 2002 |