Isaac Ginis
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Cited by
Real-case simulations of hurricane–ocean interaction using a high-resolution coupled model: Effects on hurricane intensity
MA Bender, I Ginis
Monthly Weather Review 128 (4), 917-946, 2000
Numerical simulations of tropical cyclone‐ocean interaction with a high‐resolution coupled model
MA Bender, I Ginis, Y Kurihara
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 98 (D12), 23245-23263, 1993
The operational GFDL coupled hurricane–ocean prediction system and a summary of its performance
MA Bender, I Ginis, R Tuleya, B Thomas, T Marchok
Monthly Weather Review 135 (12), 3965-3989, 2007
Numerical simulation of sea surface directional wave spectra under hurricane wind forcing
IJ Moon, I Ginis, T Hara, HL Tolman, CW Wright, EJ Walsh
Journal of physical oceanography 33 (8), 1680-1706, 2003
A physics-based parameterization of air–sea momentum flux at high wind speeds and its impact on hurricane intensity predictions
ILJU Moon, I Ginis, T Hara, B Thomas
Monthly weather review 135 (8), 2869-2878, 2007
Effect of surface waves on air–sea momentum exchange. Part II: Behavior of drag coefficient under tropical cyclones
ILJU Moon, I Ginis, T Hara
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 61 (19), 2334-2348, 2004
Applications of satellite-derived ocean measurements to tropical cyclone intensity forecasting
G Goni, M DeMaria, J Knaff, C Sampson, I Ginis, F Bringas, A Mavume, ...
Oceanography 22 (3), 190-197, 2009
Impact of CO 2 -Induced Warming on Hurricane Intensities as Simulated in a Hurricane Model with Ocean Coupling
TR Knutson, RE Tuleya, W Shen, I Ginis
Journal of climate 14 (11), 2458-2468, 2001
Limitation of one-dimensional ocean models for coupled hurricane–ocean model forecasts
RM Yablonsky, I Ginis
Monthly Weather Review 137 (12), 4410-4419, 2009
The effect of wind–wave–current interaction on air–sea momentum fluxes and ocean response in tropical cyclones
Y Fan, I Ginis, T Hara
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (4), 1019-1034, 2009
Aerosol effects on microstructure and intensity of tropical cyclones
D Rosenfeld, WL Woodley, A Khain, WR Cotton, G Carrió, I Ginis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 93 (7), 987-1001, 2012
The air-sea interface and surface stress under tropical cyclones
AV Soloviev, R Lukas, MA Donelan, BK Haus, I Ginis
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5306, 2014
Numerical simulations and observations of surface wave fields under an extreme tropical cyclone
Y Fan, I Ginis, T Hara, CW Wright, EJ Walsh
Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (9), 2097-2116, 2009
A sensitivity study of the thermodynamic environment on GFDL model hurricane intensity: Implications for global warming
W Shen, RE Tuleya, I Ginis
Journal of Climate 13 (1), 109-121, 2000
Effect of surface waves on air–sea momentum exchange. Part I: Effect of mature and growing seas
ILJU Moon, T Hara, I Ginis, SE Belcher, HL Tolman
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (19), 2321-2333, 2004
A numerical investigation of land surface water on landfalling hurricanes
W Shen, I Ginis, RE Tuleya
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59 (4), 789-802, 2002
Impact of a warm ocean eddy’s circulation on hurricane-induced sea surface cooling with implications for hurricane intensity
RM Yablonsky, I Ginis
Monthly Weather Review 141 (3), 997-1021, 2012
Langmuir turbulence parameterization in tropical cyclone conditions
BG Reichl, D Wang, T Hara, I Ginis, T Kukulka
Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (3), 863-886, 2016
Hurricane weather research and forecasting (HWRF) model: 2017 scientific documentation
MK Biswas
(No Title), 2018
Effect of surface waves on Charnock coefficient under tropical cyclones
IJ Moon, I Ginis, T Hara
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (20), 2004
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