Heather Gibson
Heather Gibson
Professor of Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management, University of Florida
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Tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism
A Lepp, H Gibson
Annals of tourism research 30 (3), 606-624, 2003
Sport tourism: a critical analysis of research
HJ Gibson
Sport management review 1 (1), 45-76, 1998
Sensation seeking and tourism: Tourist role, perception of risk and destination choice
A Lepp, H Gibson
Tourism management 29 (4), 740-750, 2008
Small-scale event sport tourism: A case study in sustainable tourism
HJ Gibson, K Kaplanidou, SJ Kang
Sport management review 15 (2), 160-170, 2012
The effect of risk perceptions on intentions to travel in the aftermath of September 11, 2001
MF Floyd, H Gibson, L Pennington-Gray, B Thapa
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 15 (2-3), 19-38, 2004
Active sport tourism: Who participates?
HJ Gibson
Leisure studies 17 (2), 155-170, 1998
Tourist roles: Needs and the lifecourse
H Gibson, A Yiannakis
Annals of tourism research 29 (2), 358-383, 2002
Small-scale event sport tourism: Fans as tourists
HJ Gibson, C Willming, A Holdnak
Tourism management 24 (2), 181-190, 2003
Roles tourists play
A Yiannakis, H Gibson
Annals of tourism Research 19 (2), 287-303, 1992
“We're Gators… not just Gator fans”: Serious leisure and University of Florida football
H Gibson, C Willming, A Holdnak
Journal of Leisure Research 34 (4), 397-425, 2002
Image and perceived risk: A study of Uganda and its official tourism website
A Lepp, H Gibson, C Lane
Tourism management 32 (3), 675-684, 2011
Destination image and intent to visit China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
HJ Gibson, CX Qi, JJ Zhang
Journal of Sport Management 22 (4), 427-450, 2008
Predicting behavioral intentions of active event sport tourists: The case of a small-scale recurring sports event
K Kaplanidou, HJ Gibson
Journal of Sport & Tourism 15 (2), 163-179, 2010
Perceptions of risk and travel intentions: The case of China and the Beijing Olympic Games
CX Qi, HJ Gibson, JJ Zhang
Journal of Sport & Tourism 14 (1), 43-67, 2009
Quality of life, event impacts, and mega-event support among South African residents before and after the 2010 FIFA World Cup
K Kaplanidou, K Karadakis, H Gibson, B Thapa, M Walker, S Geldenhuys, ...
Journal of travel research 52 (5), 631-645, 2013
Sport tourism
HJ Gibson
routledge, 2013
An integrative review of women, gender, and leisure: Increasing complexities
KA Henderson, HJ Gibson
Journal of Leisure Research 45 (2), 115-135, 2013
“We're not stupid... But we'll not stay home either”: Experiences of solo women travelers
F Jordan, H Gibson
Tourism Review International 9 (2), 195-211, 2005
An investigation of experiential and transformative learning in study abroad programs.
H Strange, HJ Gibson
Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 29 (1), 85-100, 2017
Sport tourism: An introduction to the special issue.
HJ Gibson
Journal of sport management 17 (3), 2003
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Articles 1–20