Trevor Tompson
Trevor Tompson
Principal Research Scientist, NORC at the University of Chicago
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Implicit and explicit prejudice in the 2008 American presidential election
BK Payne, JA Krosnick, J Pasek, Y Lelkes, O Akhtar, T Tompson
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2), 367-374, 2010
Who shared it?: Deciding what news to trust on social media
D Sterrett, D Malato, J Benz, L Kantor, T Tompson, T Rosenstiel, ...
Digital journalism 7 (6), 783-801, 2019
Determinants of turnout and candidate choice in the 2008 US presidential election: Illuminating the impact of racial prejudice and other considerations
J Pasek, A Tahk, Y Lelkes, JA Krosnick, BK Payne, O Akhtar, T Tompson
Public Opinion Quarterly 73 (5), 943-994, 2009
What motivates a conspiracy theory? Birther beliefs, partisanship, liberal-conservative ideology, and anti-Black attitudes
J Pasek, TH Stark, JA Krosnick, T Tompson
Electoral studies 40, 482-489, 2015
What's missing from national landline RDD surveys? The impact of the growing cell-only population
S Keeter, C Kennedy, A Clark, T Tompson, M Mokrzycki
Public Opinion Quarterly 71 (5), 772-792, 2007
Public opinion on environmental policy in the United States
DP Daniels, JA Krosnick, MP Tichy, T Tompson
Social resources and community resilience in the wake of Superstorm Sandy
KA Cagney, D Sterrett, J Benz, T Tompson
PLoS One 11 (8), e0160824, 2016
Measuring Americans' issue priorities: A new version of the most important problem question reveals more concern about global warming and the environment
DS Yeager, SB Larson, JA Krosnick, T Tompson
Public Opinion Quarterly 75 (1), 125-138, 2011
Attitudes toward Blacks in the Obama era: Changing distributions and impacts on job approval and electoral choice, 2008–2012
J Pasek, TH Stark, JA Krosnick, T Tompson, B Keith Payne
Public Opinion Quarterly 78 (S1), 276-302, 2014
Assessing changes in coverage bias of web surveys in the United States
D Sterrett, D Malato, J Benz, T Tompson, N English
Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (S1), 338-356, 2017
Panel conditioning and attrition in the AP-Yahoo! news election panel study
Y Kruse, M Callegaro, JM Dennis, S Subias, M Lawrence, C DiSogra, ...
64th Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 2009
“Sour grapes” or rational voting? Voter decision making among thwarted primary voters in 2008
M Henderson, DS Hillygus, T Tompson
Public Opinion Quarterly 74 (3), 499-529, 2010
Working longer: Older Americans' attitudes on work and retirement
JK Benz, M Sedensky, TN Tompson, J Agiesta
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 2013
Obesity in the United States: public perceptions
T Tompson, J Benz, J Agiesta, K Brewer, L Bye, R Reimer, D Junius
The food industry 53 (26), 21, 2012
Parents' attitudes on the quality of education in the United States
TN Tompson, JK Benz, J Agiesta
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 2013
The digital abuse study: Experiences of teens and young adults
TN Tompson, JK Benz, J Agiesta
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 2013
Investigating data quality in cell phone surveying
PJ Lavrakas, TN Tompson, R Benford, C Fleury
annual American Association for Public Opinion Research conference, Chicago …, 2010
Resilience in the wake of Superstorm Sandy
T Tompson, J Benz, J Agiesta, K Cagney, M Meit
Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 2013
Americans’ attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: Would better public understanding increase or decrease favorability
W Gross, TH Stark, J Krosnick, J Pasek, G Sood, T Tompson, J Agiesta, ...
Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Inc, 2012
A new understanding: What makes people trust and rely on news
T Tompson
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Articles 1–20