Wayne Boss
Cited by
Cited by
Antecedents and outcomes of empowerment: Empirical evidence from the health care industry
CS Koberg, RW Boss, JC Senjem, EA Goodman
Group & organization management 24 (1), 71-91, 1999
Corporate social responsibility and the benefits of employee trust: A cross-disciplinary perspective
SD Hansen, BB Dunford, AD Boss, RW Boss, I Angermeier
Journal of business ethics 102, 29-45, 2011
If someone is watching, I'll do what I'm asked: mandatoriness, control, and information security
SR Boss, LJ Kirsch, I Angermeier, RA Shingler, RW Boss
European Journal of Information Systems 18 (2), 151-164, 2009
Trust and managerial problem solving revisited
RW Boss
Group & Organization Studies 3 (3), 331-342, 1978
Burnout and its correlates in emergency physicians: four years' experience with a wellness booth
R Goldberg, RW Boss, L Chan, J Goldberg, WK Mallon, D Moradzadeh, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 3 (12), 1156-1164, 1996
Factors and outcomes associated with mentoring among health-care professionals
CS Koberg, RW Boss, E Goodman
Journal of vocational behavior 53 (1), 58-72, 1998
Correlates and consequences of protégé mentoring in a large hospital
CS Koberg, RW Boss, D Chappell, RC Ringer
Group & Organization Management 19 (2), 219-239, 1994
Is burnout static or dynamic? A career transition perspective of employee burnout trajectories.
BB Dunford, AJ Shipp, RW Boss, I Angermeier, AD Boss
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (3), 637, 2012
Conceptualizing the role of self-esteem in the burnout process
JG Rosse, RW Boss, AE Johnson, DF Crown
Group & Organization Studies 16 (4), 428-451, 1991
Minimizing deviant behavior in healthcare organizations: The effects of supportive leadership and job design
LC Chullen, BB Dunford, I Angermeier, WR Boss, AD Boss
Journal of Healthcare Management 55 (6), 381-398, 2010
Curtailing the harmful effects of workplace incivility: The role of structural demands and organization-provided resources
F Sguera, RP Bagozzi, QN Huy, RW Boss, DS Boss
Journal of Vocational Behavior 95, 115-127, 2016
The phase model of burnout and employee turnover
EA Goodman, RW Boss
Journal of health and human services administration 25 (1), 33-47, 2002
The impact of participative management perceptions on customer service, medical errors, burnout, and turnover intentions
I Angermeier, BB Dunford, AD Boss, RH Smith, WR Boss
Journal of Healthcare Management 54 (2), 127-140, 2009
Team building and the problem of regression: The personal management interview as an intervention
RW Boss
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 19 (1), 67-83, 1983
Hospital professionals' use of upward influence tactics
RC Ringer, RW Boss
Journal of Managerial Issues, 92-108, 2000
Organization development in health care
RW Boss
(No Title), 1989
The more you care, the worthier I feel, the better I behave: How and when supervisor support influences (un) ethical employee behavior
F Sguera, RP Bagozzi, QN Huy, RW Boss, DS Boss
Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3), 615-628, 2018
Be fair, your employees are watching: A relational response model of external third‐party justice
BB Dunford, CL Jackson, AD Boss, L Tay, RW Boss
Personnel Psychology 68 (2), 319-352, 2015
Organizational stories: One means of moving the informal organization during change efforts
ML McConkie, RW Boss
Public Administration Quarterly, 189-205, 1986
The effects of leader absence on a confrontation team-building design
RW Boss
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 14 (4), 469-478, 1978
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Articles 1–20