Catherine Corr
Cited by
Cited by
Adverse childhood experiences and preschool suspension expulsion: A population study
G Zeng, Corr, O'Grady
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2019
Preschool suspension and expulsion for young children with disabilities
S Zeng, B Pereira, A Larson, CP Corr, C O’Grady, A Stone-MacDonald
Exceptional Children 87 (2), 199-216, 2021
Abuse and young children with disabilities: A review of the literature
C Corr, RM Santos
Journal of Early Intervention 39 (1), 3-17, 2017
Mixed methods in early childhood special education research: Purposes, challenges, and guidance
C Corr, MR Snodgrass, JC Greene, H Meadan, RM Santos
Journal of Early Intervention 42 (1), 20-30, 2020
Exploring the landscape of published mixed methods research in special education: A systematic review
C Corr, MR Snodgrass, H Love, IM Scott, J Kim, L Andrews
Remedial and Special Education 42 (5), 317-328, 2021
Integrating without quantitizing: Two examples of deductive analysis strategies within qualitatively driven mixed methods research
HR Love, C Corr
Journal of mixed methods research 16 (1), 64-87, 2022
Trauma: Early childhood special education teachers’ attitudes and experiences
M Chudzik, C Corr, K Wolowiec-Fisher
Early Childhood Education Journal 51 (1), 189-200, 2023
“Not in the same sandbox”: Cross-systems collaborations between early intervention and child welfare systems
C Corr, RM Santos
Child and adolescent social work journal 34 (1), 9-22, 2017
The components of early intervention services for families living in poverty: A review of the literature
C Corr, RM Santos, SA Fowler
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 36 (1), 55-64, 2016
Helping teachers understand and mitigate trauma in their classrooms
LS Burdick, C Corr
TEACHING Exceptional Children 56 (6), 502-509, 2024
Victimization of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan
MH Fisher, C Corr, L Morin
International review of research in developmental disabilities 51, 233-280, 2016
Court-appointed special advocate strong beginnings: Raising awareness across early childhood and child welfare systems
C Corr, N Danner
Abuse and Violence Towards Young Children, 154-164, 2017
“It’s never black and white”: Early interventionists’ experiences supporting abused children and their families.
C Corr, D Miller, C Spence, AA Marshall, K Mott, J Kretzer
Psychological services 16 (1), 103, 2019
Assessment of adult learning outcomes from a school-based training on adverse childhood experiences science and trauma-informed care
SR Dube, S Rishi, C Corr, CC Panlilio
Child Abuse & Neglect 142, 105777, 2023
Trauma-informed care in early childhood education settings: A scoping literature review
M Chudzik, C Corr, RM Santos
Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-12, 2023
A framework for promoting learning and development in the context of adversity: an introduction to the special issue
CC Panlilio, SR Dube, C Corr
Child Abuse & Neglect 142, 106176, 2023
Early interventionists’ perceptions of supporting families experiencing poverty
C Corr, RM Santos, SA Fowler, C Spence, A Skubel
Early Child Development and Care, 2020
Trauma-informed care: The professional development needs of Early Childhood Special Education teachers
M Chudzik, C Corr, KW Fisher
Journal of Early Intervention 46 (1), 113-129, 2024
Predictors of injury to youth associated with physical restraint in residential mental health treatment centers
J Bystrynski, MT Braun, C Corr, D Miller, C O’Grady
Child & Youth Care Forum 50, 511-526, 2021
Beyond “hoping for the best”: Home visits in impoverished urban areas
C Corr, C Spence, D Miller, AA Marshall, RM Santos
Young Exceptional Children 21 (2), 111-120, 2018
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Articles 1–20