John W. Tullai
John W. Tullai
Lecturer in Neuroscience and Biology, Boston University
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Immediate-early and delayed primary response genes are distinct in function and genomic architecture
JW Tullai, ME Schaffer, S Mullenbrock, G Sholder, S Kasif, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (33), 23981-23995, 2007
Distribution of the excitatory amino acid receptor subunits GluR2 (4) in monkey hippocampus and colocalization with subunits GluR5-7 and NMDAR1
SJ Siegel, WG Janssen, JW Tullai, SW Rogers, T Moran, SF Heinemann, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (4), 2707-2719, 1995
Crystal structure of the p38α-MAPKAP kinase 2 heterodimer
E Ter Haar, P Prabakhar, X Liu, C Lepre
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (13), 9733-9739, 2007
Identification of transcription factor binding sites upstream of human genes regulated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and MEK/ERK signaling pathways
JW Tullai, ME Schaffer, S Mullenbrock, S Kasif, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (19), 20167-20177, 2004
Thiol activation of endopeptidase EC 3.4. 24.15: A novel mechanism for the regulation of catalytic activity
CN Shrimpton, MJ Glucksman, RA Lew, JW Tullai, EH Margulies, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (28), 17395-17399, 1997
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 represses cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-targeted immediate early genes in quiescent cells
JW Tullai, J Chen, ME Schaffer, E Kamenetsky, S Kasif, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (13), 9482-9491, 2007
The association of metalloendopeptidase EC 3.4. 24.15 at the extracellular surface of the AtT-20 cell plasma membrane
PJ Crack, TJ Wu, PM Cummins, ES Ferro, JW Tullai, MJ Glucksman, ...
Brain research 835 (2), 113-124, 1999
Secretion of Metalloendopeptidase 24.15 (EC 3.4. 24.15)
ES Ferro, JW Tullai, MJ Glucksman, JL Roberts
DNA and cell biology 18 (10), 781-789, 1999
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling in proliferating cells maintains an anti-apoptotic transcriptional program mediated by inhibition of FOXO and non-canonical activation …
J Terragni, JR Graham, KW Adams, ME Schaffer, JW Tullai, GM Cooper
BMC Cell Biology 9, 1-21, 2008
The neuropeptide processing enzyme EC 3.4. 24.15 is modulated by protein kinase A phosphorylation
JW Tullai, PM Cummins, A Pabon, JL Roberts, MC Lopingco, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (47), 36514-36522, 2000
GSK-3 Represses Growth Factor-inducible Genes by Inhibiting NF-κB in Quiescent Cells 2
JR Graham, JW Tullai, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (7), 4472-4480, 2010
A GSK-3-mediated transcriptional network maintains repression of immediate early genes in quiescent cells
JW Tullai, JR Graham, GM Cooper
Cell Cycle 10 (18), 3072-3077, 2011
AP-1 is a component of the transcriptional network regulated by GSK-3 in quiescent cells
JW Tullai, S Tacheva, LJ Owens, JR Graham, GM Cooper
PLoS One 6 (5), e20150, 2011
Regulated expression during development and following sciatic nerve injury of mRNAs encoding the receptor tyrosine phosphatase HPTPζ/RPTPβ
J Li, JW Tullai, AY Wan-hua, SRJ Salton
Molecular brain research 60 (1), 77-88, 1998
GSK-3 represses CREB-targeted immediate early genes in quiescent cells
JW Tullai, J Chen, ME Schaffer, E Kamenetsky, S Kasif, GM Cooper
The Journal of biological chemistry 282 (13), 9482, 2007
Inhibition of GSK‐3 activates CREB transcriptional targets during induction of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
JW Tullai, S Sepulveda, JF Brennan, ME Moss, FJ Naya, GM Cooper
The FASEB Journal 27, 547.5-547.5, 2013
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 represses cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-targeted immediate early genes in quiescent cells. VOLUME 282 (2007) PAGES 9482-9491
JW Tullai, J Chen, ME Schaffer, E Kamenetsky, S Kasif, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (19), 14684, 2007
MECHANISMS OF SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION-Identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites Upstream of Human Genes Regulated by the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase and MEK/ERK …
JW Tullai, ME Schaffer, S Mullenbrock, S Kasif, GM Cooper
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (19), 20167-20177, 2004
Post-translational regulation of the neuropeptide processing enzyme EC 3.4. 24.15
JW Tullai
Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University, 2001
The neuropeptide processing enzyme EC 3.2. 24.15 is modulated by protein kinase A phosphorilation
JW Tullai, PM Cummins, A Pabon, JL Roberts, MC Lopingco, ...
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