Zinayida Petrushyna
Cited by
Cited by
ICT-based school collaboration, teachers’ networks and their opportunities for teachers’ professional development-a case study on eTwinning
R Vuorikari, A Berlanga, R Cachia, Y Cao, S Fetter, A Gilleran, R Klamma, ...
Advances in Web-Based Learning-ICWL 2011: 10th International Conference …, 2011
Learning analytics at large: The lifelong learning network of 160,000 European teachers
E Song, Z Petrushyna, Y Cao, R Klamma
Towards Ubiquitous Learning: 6th European Conference of Technology Enhanced …, 2011
The Impact of Culture On Smart Community Technology: The Case of 13 Wikipedia Instances.
Z Petrushyna, R Klamma, M Jarke
IxD&A 22, 34-47, 2014
The troll under the bridge: Data management for huge web science mediabases
R Klamma, Z Petrushyna
INFORMATIK 2008. Beherrschbare Systeme-dank Informatik. Band 2, 923-928, 2008
Identification of learning goals in forum-based communities
J Krenge, Z Petrushyna, M Kravcik, R Klamma
2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2011
No Guru, No Method, No Teacher: Self-classification and Self-modelling of E-Learning Communities
Z Petrushyna, R Klamma
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 354-365, 2008
Symposium 4: Learning Analytics in a Teachers' Social Network
MC Pham, Y Cao, Z Petrushyna, R Klamma
Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning 8, 414-421, 2012
Designing during use: Modeling communities of practice
Z Petrushyna, R Klamma, M Kravcik
4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies …, 2010
On modeling learning communities
Z Petrushyna, R Klamma, M Kravcik
Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World: 10th European …, 2015
Utilising pattern repositories for capturing and sharing PLE practices in networked communities
F Mödritscher, Z Petrushyna, ELC Law
Proc. of the International Conference on Knowledge Management, 2010
Getting to “Know” People on the Web 2.0
Y Cao, A Glukhova, R Klamma, Z Petrushyna
Proceedings of I-Know 8, 3-5, 2008
i*-REST: Light-Weight i* Modeling with RESTful Web Services.
Z Petrushyna, A Ruppert, R Klamma, D Renzel, M Jarke
iStar, 2014
The Application of Pattern Repositories for Sharing PLE Practices in Networked Communities
F Mödritscher, Z Petrushyna, ELC Law
Journal of Universal Computer Science 17 (10), 1492-1510, 2011
Teachers’ Networks and their Opportunities for Teachers’ Professional Development-A Case Study on eTwinning Advances in Web-Based Learning-ICWL 2011
R Vuorikari, A Berlanga, R Cachia, Y Cao, S Fetter, A Gilleran, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7048, 2011
Pattern-based competence management: On the gap between intentions and reality
R Klamma, Z Petrushyna
Collaborative Networks for a Sustainable World: 11th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2010
A Near-Real Time Application for Twitter Data Analysis
Z Petrushyna, R Klamma, A Chueva, J Lanfermann
17th General Online Research (GOR) Conference, 44, 2015
Model and Methodology for PLE-Based Collaboration in Learning Ecologies
F Mödritscher, Z Petrushyna
Deliverable D7. 1/ID7 2, 2009
User fluctuation in communities: a forum case
Z Petrushyna
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06509, 2016
Special Issue on Learning Analytics
V Rivera-Pelayo, M Rodríguez-Triana, Z Petrushyna, S Braun, A Loureiro, ...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 5 (2), 97-106, 2014
Self-modeling and Self-reflection of E-learning Communities.
Z Petrushyna
EC-TEL Doctoral Consortium, 61-66, 2010
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Articles 1–20