Marije aan het Rot
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Cited by
Rapid and longer-term antidepressant effects of repeated ketamine infusions in treatment-resistant major depression
JW Murrough, AM Perez, S Pillemer, J Stern, MK Parides, M aan het Rot, ...
Biological Psychiatry, 2012
Efficacy of intravenous ketamine for treatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized clinical trial
A Feder, MK Parides, JW Murrough, AM Perez, JE Morgan, S Saxena, ...
JAMA psychiatry 71 (6), 681-688, 2014
Safety and efficacy of repeated-dose intravenous ketamine for treatment-resistant depression
M aan het Rot, KA Collins, JW Murrough, AM Perez, DL Reich, ...
Biological psychiatry 67 (2), 139-145, 2010
Neurobiological mechanisms in major depressive disorder
M aan het Rot, SJ Mathew, DS Charney
Cmaj 180 (3), 305-313, 2009
Empathy in adults with clinical or subclinical depressive symptoms
S Schreiter, GHM Pijnenborg, M aan het Rot
Journal of affective disorders, 2013
Ketamine for depression: where do we go from here?
M aan het Rot, CA Zarate Jr, DS Charney, SJ Mathew
Biological Psychiatry 72 (7), 537-547, 2012
Riluzole for relapse prevention following intravenous ketamine in treatment-resistant depression: a pilot randomized, placebo-controlled continuation trial
SJ Mathew, JW Murrough, M aan het Rot, KA Collins, DL Reich, ...
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 13 (1), 71-82, 2010
Experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment for studying the daily lives of patients with anxiety disorders: A systematic review
LC Walz, MH Nauta, M aan het Rot
Journal of anxiety disorders 28 (8), 925-937, 2014
Mood disorders in everyday life: A systematic review of experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment studies
M aan het Rot, K Hogenelst, RA Schoevers
Clinical Psychology Review 32 (6), 510-523, 2012
Empathy and alexithymia in borderline personality disorder: clinical and laboratory measures
AS New, M aan het Rot, LH Ripoll, MM Perez-Rodriguez, S Lazarus, ...
Journal of personality disorders 26 (5), 660-675, 2012
The reciprocity of prosocial behavior and positive affect in daily life
E Snippe, BF Jeronimus, M aan het Rot, EH Bos, P de Jonge, M Wichers
Journal of Personality 86 (2), 139-146, 2018
Resilience in the third year of medical school: a prospective study of the associations between stressful events occurring during clinical rotations and student well-being
MEM Haglund, M aan het Rot, NS Cooper, PS Nestadt, D Muller, ...
Academic Medicine 84 (2), 258-268, 2009
Metacognitive reflection and insight therapy (MERIT) for patients with schizophrenia
S de Jong, RJM Van Donkersgoed, ME Timmerman, M Aan Het Rot, ...
Psychological medicine 49 (2), 303-313, 2019
Cognition following acute tryptophan depletion: difference between first-degree relatives of bipolar disorder patients and matched healthy control volunteers
S Sobczak, WJ Riedel, I Booij, MAH Rot, NEP Deutz, A Honig
Psychological medicine 32 (3), 503-515, 2002
Physical exercise and depression
M aan het Rot, KA Collins, HL Fitterling
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized …, 2009
Experience sampling and ecological momentary assessment studies in psychopharmacology: a systematic review
FM Bos, RA Schoevers, M aan het Rot
European Neuropsychopharmacology 25 (11), 1853-1864, 2015
Behavioral and cognitive effects of tyrosine intake in healthy human adults
A Hase, SE Jung, M aan het Rot
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 133, 1-6, 2015
Exposure to bright light is associated with positive social interaction and good mood over short time periods: A naturalistic study in mildly seasonal people
M aan het Rot, DS Moskowitz, SN Young
Journal of psychiatric research 42 (4), 311-319, 2008
Oral ketamine for the treatment of pain and treatment-resistant depression
RA Schoevers, TV Chaves, SM Balukova, R Kortekaas
The British Journal of Psychiatry 208 (2), 108-113, 2016
Social anxiety and empathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
MM Pittelkow, M Aan Het Rot, LJ Seidel, N Feyel, AM Roest
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 78, 102357, 2021
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Articles 1–20