Articles with public access mandates - Jodi OakmanLearn more
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Effectiveness of health consumer representative involvement in implementation of interventions to change health professional behaviour
J Oakman, LS Cahill, S Clune, C Neilson, N Shields, T Tse, S O’keefe, ...
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 33 (1), mzaa164, 2021
Mandates: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Using evidence to support the design of submarine control console workstations
J Oakman, R Stuckey, N Kinsman
Applied Ergonomics 79, 54-65, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Defense
Perceived workplace discrimination on the basis of parent status in Australia: who is vulnerable and how does it link to mothers’ and fathers’ mental health?
A Cooklin, S Mason, D Widiss, L Leach, S Hokke, SK Bennetts, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 10.1097, 2023
Mandates: Australian Research Council
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The effect of occupational exposure to ergonomic risk factors on osteoarthritis of hip or knee and selected other musculoskeletal diseases: A systematic review and meta …
CTJ Hulshof, F Pega, S Neupane, C Colosio, JG Daams, P Kc, ...
Environment International 150, 106349, 2021
Mandates: Government of Spain
Working in the digital economy: A systematic review of the impact of work from home arrangements on personal and organizational performance and productivity
A Hackney, M Yung, KG Somasundram, B Nowrouzi-Kia, J Oakman, ...
Plos one 17 (10), e0274728, 2022
Mandates: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Recurrent pain and work disability: a record linkage study
T Lallukka, A Hiilamo, J Oakman, M Mänty, O Pietiläinen, O Rahkonen, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 93, 421-432, 2020
Mandates: Academy of Finland, UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Medical …
Working from home during COVID-19: does work-family conflict mediate the relationship between workplace characteristics, job satisfaction, and general health?
V Weale, KA Lambert, R Stuckey, M Graham, A Cooklin, J Oakman
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64 (10), 848-855, 2022
Mandates: Australian Research Council
A Tailored Occupational Therapist–Led Vocational Intervention for People With Stroke: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
S O'Keefe, K Radford, A Farrin, J Oakman, S Alves-Stein, G Cloud, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 11 (10), e40548, 2022
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK, Medical Research Future Fund …
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