Francesca Bozzoni
Francesca Bozzoni
European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering - EUCENTRE
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Reconnaissance of 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence
JP Stewart, P Zimmaro, G Lanzo, S Mazzoni, E Ausilio, S Aversa, ...
Earthquake Spectra 34 (4), 1547-1555, 2018
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment at the Eastern Caribbean Islands
F Bozzoni, M Corigliano, CG Lai, W Salazar, L Scandella, E Zuccolo, ...
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 101 (5), 2499-2521, 2011
Developing a risk-informed decision-support system for earthquake early warning at a critical seaport
G Cremen, F Bozzoni, S Pistorio, C Galasso
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 218, 108035, 2022
Technical guidelines for the assessment of earthquake induced liquefaction hazard at urban scale
CG Lai, F Bozzoni, D Conca, A Famà, AG Özcebe, E Zuccolo, C Meisina, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19, 4013-4057, 2021
Reconnaissance of geotechnical aspects of the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes
G Lanzo, P Tommasi, E Ausilio, S Aversa, F Bozzoni, R Cairo, A d’Onofrio, ...
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 17, 5495-5532, 2019
A system to mitigate deep mine tremor effects in the design of civil infrastructure
Z Zembaty, S Kokot, F Bozzoni, L Scandella, CG Lai, J Kuś, P Bobra
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 74, 81-90, 2015
Megazonation of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction hazard in continental Europe
F Bozzoni, R Bonì, D Conca, CG Lai, E Zuccolo, C Meisina
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19, 4059-4082, 2021
Soil liquefaction during the 20 May 2012 M5. 9 Emilia earthquake, Northern Italy: Field reconnaissance and post-event assessment
CG Lai, F Bozzoni, MD Mangriotis, M Martinelli
Earthquake Spectra 31 (4), 2351-2373, 2015
An inter-disciplinary and multi-scale approach to assess the spatial variability of ground motion for seismic microzonation: the case study of Cavezzo municipality in Northern …
CG Lai, V Poggi, A Famà, E Zuccolo, F Bozzoni, C Meisina, R Bonì, ...
Engineering Geology 274, 105722, 2020
Fragility curves for rapid assessment of earthquake-induced damage to earth-retaining walls starting from optimal seismic intensity measures
RM Cosentini, F Bozzoni
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 152, 107017, 2022
Centrifuge and numerical modelling of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction under free-field conditions and by considering soil–structure interaction
AG Özcebe, D Giretti, F Bozzoni, V Fioravante, CG Lai
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19, 47-75, 2021
Preliminary results of ground-motion characteristics
F Bozzoni, CG Lai, L Scandella
Annals of Geophysics 55 (4), 2012
Expected ground motion at the historical site of Poggio Picenze, Central Italy, with reference to current Italian building code
N Tarque, CG Lai, F Bozzoni, E Miccadei, T Piacentini, G Camata, ...
Engineering geology 166, 100-115, 2013
Raspberry shake-based rapid structural identification of existing buildings subject to earthquake ground motion: The case study of Bucharest
AG Özcebe, A Tiganescu, E Ozer, C Negulescu, JJ Galiana-Merino, ...
Sensors 22 (13), 4787, 2022
A geospatial approach for mapping the earthquake-induced liquefaction risk at the european scale
F Bozzoni, R Bonì, D Conca, C Meisina, CG Lai, E Zuccolo
Geosciences 11 (1), 32, 2021
Engineering reconnaissance following the October 2016 central Italy earthquakes-version 2
PS Jonathan, G Lanzo, E Ausilio, R Cairo, F Bozzoni, MC Capatti, ...
Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association, 2017
Seismic risk assessment of seaports using GIS: the port of Gioia Tauro in Southern Italy
F Bozzoni, A Famà, CG Lai, SA Mirfattah
33th PIANC World Congress San Francisco, USA, 1-5, 2014
ECLiq: European interactive catalogue of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction phenomena
F Bozzoni, A Cantoni, MC De Marco, CG Lai
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (12), 4719-4744, 2021
Interdependencies in seismic risk assessment of seaport systems: Case study at largest commercial port in Italy
D Conca, F Bozzoni, CG Lai
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2020
Engineering Reconnaissance following the October 2016 Central Italy Earthquakes-Version 2
JP Stewart, G Lanzo, E Ausilio, R Cairo, F Bozzoni, MC Capatti, ...
GEER, 2017
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Articles 1–20