Mehdi Hafezi
Mehdi Hafezi
PhD Reserach Fellow, GroundsWell Consortium
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Cited by
A new Pythagorean fuzzy-based decision-making method through entropy measure for fuel cell and hydrogen components supplier selection
M Alipour, R Hafezi, P Rani, M Hafezi, A Mardani
Energy 234, 121208, 2021
Characteristics and scenarios of solar energy development in Iran: Fuzzy cognitive map-based approach
M Alipour, R Hafezi, E Papageorgiou, M Hafezi, M Alipour
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 116, 109410, 2019
Examining wind energy deployment pathways in complex macro-economic and political settings using a fuzzy cognitive map-based method
SG Zare, M Alipour, M Hafezi, RA Stewart, A Rahman
Energy 238, 121673, 2022
Creating a novel multi-layered integrative climate change adaptation planning approach using a systematic literature review
M Hafezi, O Sahin, RA Stewart, B Mackey
Sustainability 10 (11), 4100, 2018
Adaptation strategies for coral reef ecosystems in Small Island Developing States: integrated modelling of local pressures and long-term climate changes
M Hafezi, O Sahin, RA Stewart, RM Connolly, B Mackey, D Ware
Journal of Cleaner Production 253, 119864, 2020
Evaluating coral reef ecosystem services outcomes from climate change adaptation strategies using integrative system dynamics
M Hafezi, RA Stewart, O Sahin, AL Giffin, B Mackey
Journal of environmental management 285, 112082, 2021
A systems approach to examining PhD students’ well-being: An Australian case
N Dhirasasna, E Suprun, S MacAskill, M Hafezi, O Sahin
Systems 9 (1), 17, 2021
Mapping long-term coral reef ecosystems regime shifts: A small island developing state case study
M Hafezi, AL Giffin, M Alipour, O Sahin, RA Stewart
Science of The Total Environment 716, 137024, 2020
Application of cross-correlation in pipe condition assessment and leak detection; using transient pressure and acoustic waves
MM Hafezi, M Mirhosseini
Resour. Environ 5 (5), 159-166, 2015
Identification of wind energy deployment determinants: Fuzzy cognitive map-based method
SG Zare, M Alipour, M Hafezi
Participatory dynamic modelling approach for adaptation planning needs focusing on Small Islands Developing States
M Hafezi, O Sahin, R Stewart, D Ware, B Mackey
12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment …, 2017
5 year public health impacts of an urban greenway, Belfast, Northern Ireland: Causal Loop Diagram
R Hunter, L Garcia, N Clewley, M Hafezi, J Hilton
European Journal of Public Health 33 (Supplement_2), ckad160. 1191, 2023
A Systems Approach to Examining PhD Students’ Well-Being: An Australian Case. Systems 2021, 9, 17
N Dhirasasna, E Suprun, S MacAskill, M Hafezi, O Sahin
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Articles 1–13