Huy Hung Nguyen
Huy Hung Nguyen
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Cited by
Energy-efficient clustering multi-hop routing protocol in a UWSN
NT Nguyen, TTT Le, HH Nguyen, M Voznak
Sensors 21 (2), 627, 2021
Model-free volume and pressure cycled control of automatic bag valve mask ventilator
CT Truong, KH Huynh, HH Nguyen, LA Pham, TT Nguyen
Aims Bioengineering 8 (3), 192-207, 2021
Parameter-Adaptive Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Control for a Mobile Robot
TD Tran, TT Nguyen, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, TT Nguyen
Robotics 11 (4), 78, 2022
Design of series elastic actuator applied for humanoid
KD Truong, AKL Luu, NP Tong, HH Nguyen, TT Nguyen
2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS), 23-28, 2020
Robust servo controller design for MIMO systems based on linear shift invariant differential operator
SB Kim, HH Nguyen, DH Kim, HK Kim
제어로봇시스템학회 논문지 24 (6), 501-511, 2018
Hybrid adaptive control for series elastic actuator of humanoid robot
LAK Lanh, HH Nguyen, SB Kim, TT Nguyen
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, 2022
Implementation of an active wire tensioner using a cascade fuzzy logical controller for a brush-less direct current coil winding machine
VT Duong, HH Nguyen, JH Jeong, HK Kim, SB Kim
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 (1), 179-189, 2017
Force Optimization of Elongated Undulating Fin Robot Using Improved PSO-Based CPG
VD Nguyen, QD Tran, QT Vu, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, TT Hoang, ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022, 2022
Reinforcement learning-based optimization of locomotion controller using multiple coupled CPG oscillators for elongated undulating fin propulsion.
VD Nguyen, DQ Vo, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, TT Nguyen
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: MBE 19 (1), 738-758, 2021
Controlling Center of Mass in Humanoid Robot using Sliding Mode Control
XT Nguyen, TD Tran, HH Nguyen, NP Tong, TP Nguyen, TT Nguyen
2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS), 17-22, 2020
A study on series elastic actuator applied for human-interactive robot
KD Truong, AKL Luu, NP Tong, HH Nguyen, TT Nguyen
2020 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS), 7-12, 2020
A simple path planning for Automatic Guided Vehicle in Unknown Environment
HH Nguyen, DH Kim, CK Kim, H Yim, SK Jeong, SB Kim
2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient …, 2017
A new approach of 2D measurement of injury rate on fish by a modified K-means clustering algorithm based on L* A* B* color space
MT Tran, HH Nguyen, J Rantung, HK Kim, SJ Oh, SB Kim
International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications …, 2017
Linear regression model and least square method for experimental identification of AMBU bag in simple ventilator
CT Truong, KH Huynh, HH Nguyen, LA Pham, TT Nguyen
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, 2022
Research on Adhesive Coefficient of Rubber Wheel Crawler on Wet Tilted Photovoltaic Panel
MT Nguyen, CT Truong, VT Nguyen, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, TT Nguyen
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6605, 2022
Design of robust controller applied for series elastic actuators in controlling humanoid's joint
AKL Luu, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, SB Kim, TT Nguyen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.08610, 2021
Path planning for automatic guided vehicle with multiple target points in known environment
CK Kim, SW Kim, HH Nguyen, DH Kim, HK Kim, SB Kim
International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications …, 2017
Characteristic of Paddle Squeezing Angle and AMBU Bag Air Volume in Bag Valve Mask Ventilator
CT Truong, KH Huynh, VT Duong, HH Nguyen, LA Pham, TT Nguyen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08019, 2021
Model reference adaptive control strategy for application to robot manipulators
MS Tran, SH Jung, NB Le, HH Nguyen, DC Dang, AMD Tran, YB Kim
International Conference on Advanced Engineering Theory and Applications …, 2018
Backstepping-based model reference adaptive controller for a multi-axial system in the presence of external disturbance and saturated input
VT Duong, HH Nguyen, JH Jeong, HK Kim, SB Kim
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 40 (3), 776-784, 2018
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Articles 1–20