Rajani Kanta Mishra
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Heavy Metal Induced Oxidative Damage in Terrestrial plants
BP Shaw, SK Sahu, RK Mishra
Second edition, Springer 2, 84-126, 2004
Towards integrating evolution, metabolism, and climate change studies of marine ecosystems
F Baltar, B Bayer, N Bednarsek, S Deppeler, R Escribano, CE Gonzalez, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (11), 1022-1033, 2019
Dinoflagellate Bloom of Karenia mikimotoi along the Southeast Arabian Sea, Bordering Western India
RS Robin, VV Kanuri, PR Muduli, RK Mishra, M Jaikumar, P Karthikeyan, ...
Journal of Ecosystems 2013 (1), 463720, 2013
Seasonal appearance of Chlorophyceae phytoplankton bloom by river discharge off Paradeep at Orissa Coast in the Bay of Bengal
RK Mishra, BP Shaw, BK Sahu, S Mishra, Y Senga
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 149, 261-273, 2009
Monsoonal influence and variability of water quality, phytoplankton biomass in the tropical coastal waters–a multivariate statistical approach
S Naik, RK Mishra, KC Sahu, AA Lotliker, US Panda, P Mishra
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 648, 2020
Surface Ultrastructural Studies on Penetration and Infection Process of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides on Mulberry Leaf Causing Black Spot Disease
V Kumar, VP Gupta, AM Babu, RK Mishra, V Thiagarajan, RK Datta
Journal of Phytopathology 149 (11‐12), 629-633, 2001
Checklist of intertidal benthic macrofauna of a brackish water coastal lagoon on east coast of India: The Chilika lake
D Mahapatro, RC Panigrahy, S Panda, RK Mishra
International Journal of Marine Science 5, 2015
Variability in primary productivity and bio-optical properties in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during an austral summer
AU Kerkar, SC Tripathy, P Minu, N Baranval, P Sabu, S Patra, RK Mishra, ...
Polar Biology 43, 1469-1492, 2020
Thermodynamic stability of barium thorate, BaThO3, from a Knudsen effusion study
R Mishra, M Ali, SR Bharadwaj, AS Kerkar, D Das, SR Dharwadkar
Journal of alloys and compounds 290 (1-2), 97-102, 1999
Assessment of Pollution and Ecological Risk Index of Heavy Metals in the Surface Sediment of Estuary and the Coastal Environment of Bay of Bengal.
MK Khadanga, RK Mishra, BK Sahu
Journal of Environmental Informatics 39 (1), 2022
Temperature and phytoplankton size class biomass drives the zooplankton food web dynamics in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean
V Venkataramana, N Anilkumar, RK Naik, RK Mishra, P Sabu
Polar Biology 42, 823-829, 2019
Influence of monsoon on macrobenthic assemblage in outer channel area of Chilika lagoon, east coast of India
D Mahapatro, RC Panigrahy, S Panda, RK Mishra
Journal of Wetlands Ecology 3, 56-67, 2009
Planktonic communities and trophic interactions in the Kavaratti waters, Lakshadweep archipelago, India
RS Robin, PR Muduli, KV Vardhan, A Nagarjuna, T Nallathambi, ...
Int. J. Ecosyst 2 (2), 5-18, 2012
Evaluation of the status of marine plastic pollution along a tourist beach of Bay of Bengal during lockdown and post lockdown
MK Khadanga, AK Behera, GK Swain, DP Dora, CP Padhi, RK Mishra, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 182, 113970, 2022
Observations of iodine oxide in the Indian Ocean marine boundary layer: A transect from the tropics to the high latitudes
AS Mahajan, L Tinel, S Hulswar, CA Cuevas, S Wang, S Ghude, RK Naik, ...
Atmospheric Environment: X 1, 100016, 2019
Adaptations of phytoplankton in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean during austral summer of 1998—2014
RK Mishra, RK Naik, N Anillkumar
Frontiers of Earth Science, 1-11, 2015
Study of Macrobenthos in Relation to Eutrophication at Chilika Lagoon, East Coast of India
D Mahapatro, RK Mishra, RN Samal, AK Patanaik
Marine Science 2 (DOI: 10.5923/, 139-148, 2012
Status of coastal habitats and its management in India
SM Marale, RK Mishra
International Journal of Environmental Protection 1 (1), 31-45, 2011
Spatio-temporal variation of optically active substances in the coastal waters off Orissa from Rushikulya to Dhamra (east coast of India)
RK Mishra, BP Shaw
CSIR, 2003
Phytoplankton community response to environmental changes in Mahanadi estuary and its adjoining coastal waters of bay of Bengal: a multivariate and remote sensing approach
S Naik, RK Mishra, US Panda, P Mishra, RC Panigrahy
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences 3, 110-122, 2020
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Articles 1–20