Noah A. Shamosh, Ph.D.
Noah A. Shamosh, Ph.D.
Partner, Leadership Advisory Services at Spencer Stuart
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Cited by
Individual differences in delay discounting: Relation to intelligence, working memory, and anterior prefrontal cortex
NA Shamosh, CG DeYoung, AE Green, DL Reis, MR Johnson, ...
Psychological Science 19 (9), 904-911, 2008
Delay discounting and intelligence: A meta-analysis
NA Shamosh, JR Gray
Intelligence 36 (4), 289-305, 2008
Frontopolar cortex mediates abstract integration in analogy
AE Green, JA Fugelsang, DJM Kraemer, NA Shamosh, KN Dunbar
Brain research 1096 (1), 125-137, 2006
Intellect as distinct from Openness: Differences revealed by fMRI of working memory
CG DeYoung, NA Shamosh, AE Green, TS Braver, JR Gray
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (5), 883, 2009
Multiple bases of human intelligence revealed by cortical thickness and neural activation
YY Choi, NA Shamosh, SH Cho, CG DeYoung, MJ Lee, JM Lee, SI Kim, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (41), 10323-10329, 2008
Emotional intelligence predicts individual differences in social exchange reasoning
DL Reis, MA Brackett, NA Shamosh, KA Kiehl, P Salovey, JR Gray
NeuroImage 35 (3), 1385-1391, 2007
The relation between fluid intelligence and self-regulatory depletion
NA Shamosh, JR Gray
Cognition and Emotion 21 (8), 1833-1843, 2007
Introduction to data analysis in hierarchical linear models
N Shamosh, F Farach
Social Sciences StatLab, Yale University, 2007
The essence of subjective conflict during self-control: Neural correlates of sustaining incompatible intentions
YN Kang, E Morsella, NA Shamosh, JA Bargh, JR Gray
Proceeding of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2008
Author's personal copy
DL Reis, MA Brackett, NA Shamosh, KA Kiehl, P Salovey, JR Gray
NeuroImage 35, 1385-1391, 2007
Individual Differences in Self-control: Relation to Intelligence
NA Shamosh
ProQuest [Dissertation], 2008
Individual differences in emotion regulation strategy do not depend on fluid intelligence
NA Shamosh, DL Kolarick, JR Gray
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 202-202, 2005
Affect can enhance logical reasoning: Evidence from the Wason Card Selection Task
DL Kolarick, NA Shamosh, JR Gray
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 203-203, 2005
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Articles 1–13