William Wesley Patton
William Wesley Patton
U. S. C. Gould School of Law; UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
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Cited by
Severing Hansel from Gretel: An analysis of siblings' association rights
WW Patton, S Latz
U. Miami L. Rev. 48, 745, 1993
The World Where Parallel Lines Converge: The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in Concurrent Civil and Criminal Child Abuse Proceedings
WW Patton
Ga. L. Rev. 24, 473, 1989
Opening Students' Eyes: Visual Learning Theory in the Socratic Classroom
WW Patton
Law & Psychol. Rev. 15, 1, 1991
The status of siblings' rights: A view into the new millennium
WW Patton
DePaul L. Rev. 51, 1, 2001
Child abuse: The irreconcilable differences between criminal prosecution and informal dependency court mediation
WW Patton
U. Louisville J. Fam. L. 31, 37, 1992
Standards of Appellate Review for Denial of Counsel and Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in Child Protection and Parental Severance Cases
WW Patton
Loy. U. Chi. LJ 27, 195, 1995
Pandora's box: Opening child protection cases to the press and public
WW Patton
W. St. UL Rev. 27, 181, 1999
Revictimizing Child Abuse Victims: An Empirical Rebuttal to the Open Juvenile Dependency Court Reform Movement
WW Patton
Suffolk UL Rev. 38, 303, 2004
Forever Torn Asunder: Charting Evidentiary Parameters, the Right to Competent Counsel and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in California Child Dependency and Parental …
WW Patton
Santa Clara L. Rev. 27, 299, 1987
The reality of concurrent planning: Juggling multiple family plans expeditiously without sufficient resources
WW Patton, AM Pellman
UC Davis J. Juv. L. & Pol'y 9, 171, 2005
Mommy's Gone, Daddy's in Prison, Now What about Me-Family Reunification for Children of Single Custodial Fathers in Prison-Will the Sins of the Incarcerated Fathers Be …
WW Patton
NDL Rev. 75, 179, 1999
Evolution in Child Abuse Litigation: The Theoretical Void Where Evidentiary and Procedural Worlds Collide
WW Patton
LoY. LAL REv. 25, 1009, 1991
Getting Back to the Sandbox: Designing a legal policy clinic
WW Patton
Int'l J. Clinical Legal Educ. 16, 96, 2011
Viewing Child Witnesses Through a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Lens: How Attorneys' Ethical Duties Exacerbate Children's Psychopathology
WW Patton
Widener L. Rev. 16, 369, 2010
When the empirical base crumbles: The myth that open dependency proceedings do no psychologically damage abused children
WW Patton
Law & Psychol. Rev. 33, 29, 2009
Law Schools' Duty to Train Children's Advocates: Blueprint for an Inexpensive Experientially Based Juvenile Justice Course
WW Patton
Juvenile and Family Court Journal 45 (4), 3-12, 1994
A Blueprint for a Fairer ABA Standard for Judging Law Graduates' Competence: How a Standard Based on Students' Scores in Relation to the National Mean MBE Score Properly …
WW Patton
Wash. & Lee J. Civ. Rts. & Soc. Just. 24, 3, 2017
Rethinking the Privilege against Self-Incrimination in Child Abuse Dependency Proceedings: Might Parents Be Their Own Worst Witnesses
WW Patton
UC Davis J. Juv. L. & Pol'y 11, 101, 2007
Externship Site Inspections: Fitting Well-Rounded Programs into the Four Corners of the ABA Guidelines
WW Patton
Clinical L. Rev. 3, 471, 1996
To Err Is Human, to Forgive, Often Unjust: Harmless Error Analysis in Child Abuse Dependency Proceedings
WW Patton
UC Davis J. Juv. L. & Pol'y 13, 99, 2009
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