Hawa ZE Jaafar
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Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolics and Flavonoids Content in Two Varieties of Malaysia Young Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat
Molecules 15 (6), 4324-4333, 2010
Evaluation of Crocus sativus L. Stigma Phenolic and Flavonoid Compounds and Its Antioxidant Activity
E Karimi, E Oskoueian, R Hendra, HZE Jaafar
Molecules 15 (9), 6244-6256, 2010
Cadmium toxicity affects chlorophyll a and b content, antioxidant enzyme activities and mineral nutrient accumulation in strawberry
F Muradoglu, M Gundogdu, S Ercisli, T Encu, F Balta, HZE Jaafar, ...
Biological research 48, 1-7, 2015
Rubus Fruticosus L.: Constituents, Biological Activities and Health Related Uses
M Zia-Ul-Haq, M Riaz, V De Feo, HZE Jaafar, M Moga
Molecules 19 (8), 10998-11029, 2014
Effects of solvent type on phenolics and flavonoids content and antioxidant activities in two varieties of young ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) extracts
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat
J Med Plants Res 5 (7), 1147-1154, 2011
Impact of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers Application on the Phytochemical and Antioxidant Activity of Kacip Fatimah (Labisia pumila Benth)
MH Ibrahim, HZE Jaafar, E Karimi, A Ghasemzadeh
Molecules 18 (9), 10973-10988, 2013
Phytochemical constituents, antioxidant activity, and antiproliferative properties of black, red, and brown rice bran
A Ghasemzadeh, MT Karbalaii, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat
Chemistry Central Journal 12, 1-13, 2018
Genotype environment interaction by AMMI and GGE biplot analysis in three consecutive generations of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under normal and drought stress conditions
MRN Rad, MA Kadir, MY Rafii, HZE Jaafar, MR Naghavi, F Ahmadi
Australian Journal of Crop Science 7 (7), 956, 2013
Effect of Different Light Intensities on Total Phenolics and Flavonoids Synthesis and Anti-oxidant Activities in Young Ginger Varieties (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat, PEM Wahab, MRA Halim
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 11 (10), 3885-3897, 2010
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Synthesis of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in Three Varieties of Kacip Fatimah (Labisia Pumila Blume)
MH Ibrahim, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat, ZA Rahman
International journal of molecular sciences 12 (8), 5238-5254, 2011
The relationship between phenolics and flavonoids production with total non structural carbohydrate and photosynthetic rate in Labisia pumila Benth. under high CO2 and nitrogen …
MH Ibrahim, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat, ZA Rahman
Molecules 16 (1), 162-174, 2010
Profiling of phenolic compounds and their antioxidant and anticancer activities in pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) extracts from different locations of Malaysia
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 13, 1-9, 2013
Impact of soil field water capacity on secondary metabolites, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), maliondialdehyde (MDA) and photosynthetic responses of Malaysian Kacip Fatimah …
HZE Jaafar, MH Ibrahim, NFM Fakri
Molecules 17 (6), 7305-7322, 2012
Phenolic Compounds Characterization and Biological Activities of Citrus aurantium Bloom
E Karimi, E Oskoueian, R Hendra, A Oskoueian, HZE Jaafar
Molecules 17 (2), 1203-1218, 2012
Elevated carbon dioxide increases contents of flavonoids and phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activities in Malaysian young ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe.) varieties
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat
Molecules 15 (11), 7907-7922, 2010
Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanolic Extracts of Leaf, Stem and Root from Different Varieties of Labisa pumila Benth
E Karimi, HZE Jaafar, S Ahmad
Molecules 16 (6), 4438-4450, 2011
Secondary metabolites constituents and antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial activities of Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm grown in different locations of Malaysia
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar, A Rahmat, S Ashkani
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 15, 1-10, 2015
Effect of CO2 Enrichment on Synthesis of Some Primary and Secondary Metabolites in Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
A Ghasemzadeh, HZE Jaafar
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12 (2), 1101-1114, 2011
Normalized difference vegetation index as a tool for wheat yield estimation: A case study from Faisalabad, Pakistan
SR Sultana, A Ali, A Ahmad, M Mubeen, M Zia-Ul-Haq, S Ahmad, S Ercisli, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 725326, 2014
Compositional difference in antioxidant and antibacterial activity of all parts of the Carica papaya using different solvents
N Asghar, SAR Naqvi, Z Hussain, N Rasool, ZA Khan, SA Shahzad, ...
Chemistry Central Journal 10, 1-11, 2016
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Articles 1–20