Austin Rong-Da Liang
Austin Rong-Da Liang
National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism
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Effect of experiential value on customer satisfaction with service encounters in luxury-hotel restaurants
CHJ Wu, RD Liang
International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (4), 586-593, 2009
Effects of job rotation and role stress among nurses on job satisfaction and organizational commitment
WH Ho, CS Chang, YL Shih, RD Liang
BMC health services research 9, 1-10, 2009
The relationship between white-water rafting experience formation and customer reaction: A flow theory perspective
CHJ Wu, RD Liang
Tourism Management 32 (2), 317-325, 2011
Predicting intentions to purchase organic food: the moderating effects of organic food prices
RD Liang
British food journal 118 (1), 183-199, 2016
The effect of service interaction orientation on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention: The moderating effect of dining frequency
RD Liang, JS Zhang
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 24 (1), 153-170, 2012
Exploring the online buying behavior of specialty food shoppers
A Rong-Da Liang, WM Lim
International Journal of Hospitality Management 30 (4), 855-865, 2011
Considering the role of agritourism co-creation from a service-dominant logic perspective
A Rong-Da Liang
Tourism Management 61, 354-367, 2017
Enthusiastically consuming organic food: An analysis of the online organic food purchasing behaviors of consumers with different food-related lifestyles
A Rong-Da Liang
Internet Research 24 (5), 587-607, 2014
Why do consumers buy organic food? Results from an S–O–R model
ARD Liang, WM Lim
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 33 (2), 394-415, 2021
Impact of service orientation on frontline employee service performance and consumer response
RD Liang, HC Tseng, YC Lee
International Journal of Marketing Studies 2 (2), 67, 2010
Agritourism: Experience design, activities, and revisit intention
ARD Liang, TY Hsiao, DJ Chen, JH Lin
Tourism Review 76 (5), 1181-1196, 2021
Structural relationships among organisation service orientation, employee service performance, and consumer identification
CHJ Wu, RD Liang, W Tung, CS Chang
The Service Industries Journal 28 (9), 1247-1263, 2008
The role of sunk costs in online consumer decision-making
A Rong-Da Liang, CL Lee, W Tung
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 13 (1), 56-68, 2014
Case studies on co-branding and farm tourism: Best match between farm image and experience activities
AR Da Liang, YY Nie, DJ Chen, PJ Chen
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 42, 107-118, 2020
Examining the factors of experiential learning and teaching style: A case study of a hospitality and tourism program
A Rong-Da Liang
Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education 29, 100332, 2021
The influence of food expenditure on tourist response to festival tourism: Expenditure perspective
A Rong-Da Liang, SC Chen, W Tung, CC Hu
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 14 (4), 377-397, 2013
The effect of sales promotions on consumers’ organic food response: An application of logistic regression model
ARD Liang, W Yang, DJ Chen, YF Chung
British Food Journal 119 (6), 1247-1262, 2017
The influence of service orientation and interaction orientation on consumer identification
W Tung, ARD Liang, SC Chen
The Service Industries Journal 34 (5), 439-454, 2014
Assessing the impact of co-branding of island destination and tourism activities on tourists’ reactions
ARD Liang
Current Issues in Tourism 20 (5), 536-551, 2017
Consumers as co-creators in community-based tourism experience: Impacts on their motivation and satisfaction
ARD Liang
Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2034389, 2022
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Articles 1–20