Christian Esposito
Christian Esposito
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Cited by
Blockchain: A panacea for healthcare cloud-based data security and privacy?
C Esposito, A De Santis, G Tortora, H Chang, KKR Choo
IEEE cloud computing 5 (1), 31-37, 2018
Blockchain-based authentication and authorization for smart city applications
C Esposito, M Ficco, BB Gupta
Information Processing & Management 58 (2), 102468, 2021
Smart cloud storage service selection based on fuzzy logic, theory of evidence and game theory
C Esposito, M Ficco, F Palmieri, A Castiglione
IEEE Transactions on computers 65 (8), 2348-2362, 2015
A localization based on unscented Kalman filter and particle filter localization algorithms
I Ullah, Y Shen, X Su, C Esposito, C Choi
IEEE Access 8, 2233-2246, 2019
A survey of strategies for communication networks to protect against large-scale natural disasters
T Gomes, J Tapolcai, C Esposito, D Hutchison, F Kuipers, J Rak, ...
2016 8th international workshop on resilient networks design and modeling …, 2016
Challenges of connecting edge and cloud computing: A security and forensic perspective
C Esposito, A Castiglione, F Pop, KKR Choo
IEEE Cloud computing 4 (2), 13-17, 2017
Challenges in delivering software in the cloud as microservices
C Esposito, A Castiglione, KKR Choo
IEEE Cloud Computing 3 (5), 10-14, 2016
Localization and detection of targets in underwater wireless sensor using distance and angle based algorithms
I Ullah, J Chen, X Su, C Esposito, C Choi
IEEE Access 7, 45693-45704, 2019
CNN-based anti-spoofing two-tier multi-factor authentication system
M Sajjad, S Khan, T Hussain, K Muhammad, AK Sangaiah, A Castiglione, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 126, 123-131, 2019
Cloud manufacturing: security, privacy, and forensic concerns
C Esposito, A Castiglione, B Martini, KKR Choo
IEEE Cloud Computing 3 (4), 16-22, 2016
A knowledge-based platform for big data analytics based on publish/subscribe services and stream processing
C Esposito, M Ficco, F Palmieri, A Castiglione
Knowledge-Based Systems 79, 3-17, 2015
Healthcare-related data in the cloud: challenges and opportunities
V Casola, A Castiglione, KKR Choo, C Esposito
IEEE cloud computing 3 (6), 10-14, 2016
An edge intelligence empowered recommender system enabling cultural heritage applications
X Su, G Sperlì, V Moscato, A Picariello, C Esposito, C Choi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (7), 4266-4275, 2019
Interconnecting federated clouds by using publish-subscribe service
C Esposito, M Ficco, F Palmieri, A Castiglione
Cluster computing 16, 887-903, 2013
Intelligent power equipment management based on distributed context-aware inference in smart cities
C Choi, C Esposito, H Wang, Z Liu, J Choi
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 212-217, 2018
A coral-reefs and game theory-based approach for optimizing elastic cloud resource allocation
M Ficco, C Esposito, F Palmieri, A Castiglione
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 343-352, 2018
On security in publish/subscribe services: A survey
C Esposito, M Ciampi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (2), 966-997, 2014
Calibrating indoor positioning systems with low efforts
M Ficco, C Esposito, A Napolitano
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 13 (4), 737-751, 2013
Security and privacy for cloud-based data management in the health network service chain: a microservice approach
C Esposito, A Castiglione, CA Tudorica, F Pop
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (9), 102-108, 2017
NeuCheck: A more practical Ethereum smart contract security analysis tool
N Lu, B Wang, Y Zhang, W Shi, C Esposito
Software: Practice and Experience 51 (10), 2065-2084, 2021
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Articles 1–20