Sharon L. Montgomery
Sharon L. Montgomery
Professor of Physics, Clarion University
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Cited by
Spatial and temporal scales of predator avoidance: experiments with fish and snails
AM Turner, SL Montgomery
Ecology 84 (3), 616-622, 2003
Chemical Abundances for Very Strong-Lined Giants
RE Luck, SL Challener
Astronomical Journal v. 110, p. 2968 110, 2968, 1995
Detection of variable gaseous absorption features in the debris disks around young A-type stars
SL Montgomery, BY Welsh
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 124 (920), 1042, 2012
Hydroperiod, predators and the distribution of physid snails across the freshwater habitat gradient
AM Turner, SL Montgomery
Freshwater biology 54 (6), 1189-1201, 2009
Circumstellar Gas-Disk variability around A-type stars: the detection of exocomets?
BY Welsh, S Montgomery
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 125 (929), 759, 2013
Further detections of exocomet absorbing gas around Southern hemisphere A-type stars with known debris discs
BY Welsh, SL Montgomery
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474 (2), 1515-1525, 2018
The appearance and disappearance of exocomet gas absorption
BY Welsh, SL Montgomery
Advances in Astronomy 2015 (1), 980323, 2015
Exocomet Circumstellar Fe I Absorption in the Beta Pictoris Gas Disk
BY Welsh, S Montgomery
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 128 (964), 064201, 2016
Unusually high circumstellar absorption variability around the δ Scuti/λ Boötis star HD 183324
SL Montgomery, BY Welsh
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 468 (1), L55-L58, 2017
Electronic structures of third-period interstitials in silicon
SL Montgomery, GG DeLeo
Physical Review B 30 (2), 771, 1984
Warm Circumstellar Disk Gas Surrounding the 1.4 Gyr Old F2V Star HD 109085?
BY Welsh, SL Montgomery
Research Notes of the AAS 3 (1), 25, 2019
Exocomets and variable circumstellar gas absorption in the debris disks of nearby A-type stars
SL Montgomery, B Welsh, B Bukoski, S Strausbaugh
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 225 225, 349.19, 2015
Exo-comet Detection in Debris Disks Around Young A-type Stars
B Welsh, SL Montgomery
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 221 221, 109.03, 2013
The Chemical Composition of Very-Strong Lined Giants
RE Luck, SL Challener
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 186 186, 12.02, 1995
Comet-like activity in the circumstellar debris disk surrounding the 1.4 Gyr-old F2V star HD 109085
B Welsh, SL Montgomery
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 233 233, 340.06, 2019
A Search for Circumstellar Gas-Disk Variability in F-type Stars
A Adkins, SL Montgomery, B Welsh
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 231 231, 147.01, 2018
Mapping the Heiles Supershell GSH 90-28-17
SL Montgomery, JL Beckey, B Welsh, JW Kuehne
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 229 229, 340.30, 2017
The highly varying circumstellar debris disk of HD 183324
B Welsh, SL Montgomery
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 229 229, 310.06, 2017
Tracing neutral FeI gas evaporating from exocomets in the beta Pictoris disk
B Welsh, SL Montgomery, R DeMark, J Price
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 227 227, 343.15, 2016
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery: is 49 Ceti the new Beta Pictoris?
B Welsh, SL Montgomery, D Alu, R Lallement
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts# 223 223, 409.06, 2014
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