Raffaele Colombelli
Raffaele Colombelli
Centre de Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (C2N) - CNRS and Univ. Paris Saclay
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Ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime with polariton dots
Y Todorov, AM Andrews, R Colombelli, S De Liberato, C Ciuti, P Klang, ...
Physical review letters 105 (19), 196402, 2010
Quantum cascade lasers: ultrahigh-speed operation, optical wireless communication, narrow linewidth, and far-infrared emission
F Capasso, R Paiella, R Martini, R Colombelli, C Gmachl, TL Myers, ...
IEEE Journal of quantum electronics 38 (6), 511-532, 2002
Quantum cascade surface-emitting photonic crystal laser
R Colombelli, K Srinivasan, M Troccoli, O Painter, CF Gmachl, ...
Science 302 (5649), 1374-1377, 2003
Ultra-broadband semiconductor laser
C Gmachl, DL Sivco, R Colombelli, F Capasso, AY Cho
Nature 415 (6874), 883-887, 2002
Electrically pumped photonic-crystal terahertz lasers controlled by boundary conditions
Y Chassagneux, R Colombelli, W Maineult, S Barbieri, HE Beere, ...
Nature 457 (7226), 174-178, 2009
Far-infrared surface-plasmon quantum-cascade lasers at 21.5 μm and 24 μm wavelengths
R Colombelli, F Capasso, C Gmachl, AL Hutchinson, DL Sivco, ...
Applied physics letters 78 (18), 2620-2622, 2001
Strong light-matter coupling in subwavelength metal-dielectric microcavities at terahertz frequencies
Y Todorov, AM Andrews, I Sagnes, R Colombelli, P Klang, G Strasser, ...
Physical review letters 102 (18), 186402, 2009
Optical properties of metal-dielectric-metal microcavities in the THz frequency range
Y Todorov, L Tosetto, J Teissier, AM Andrews, P Klang, R Colombelli, ...
Optics express 18 (13), 13886-13907, 2010
Phase-locking of a 2.7-THz quantum cascade laser to a mode-locked erbium-doped fibre laser
S Barbieri, P Gellie, G Santarelli, L Ding, W Maineult, C Sirtori, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (9), 636-640, 2010
Wave engineering with THz quantum cascade lasers
C Sirtori, S Barbieri, R Colombelli
Nature Photonics 7 (9), 691-701, 2013
Efficient power extraction in surface-emitting semiconductor lasers using graded photonic heterostructures
G Xu, R Colombelli, SP Khanna, A Belarouci, X Letartre, L Li, EH Linfield, ...
Nature Communications 3 (1), 952, 2012
Resonant second-order nonlinear optical processes in quantum cascade lasers
N Owschimikow, C Gmachl, A Belyanin, V Kocharovsky, DL Sivco, ...
Physical review letters 90 (4), 043902, 2003
Quantum cascade lasers with double metal-semiconductor waveguide resonators
K Unterrainer, R Colombelli, C Gmachl, F Capasso, HY Hwang, ...
Applied physics letters 80 (17), 3060-3062, 2002
Single-mode, tunable distributed-feedback and multiple-wavelength quantum cascade lasers
C Gmachl, A Straub, R Colombelli, F Capasso, DL Sivco, AM Sergent, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38 (6), 569-581, 2002
Terahertz intersubband absorption in GaN/AlGaN step quantum wells
H Machhadani, Y Kotsar, S Sakr, M Tchernycheva, R Colombelli, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (19), 2010
Short terahertz pulse generation from a dispersion compensated modelocked semiconductor laser
F Wang, H Nong, T Fobbe, V Pistore, S Houver, S Markmann, N Jukam, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 11 (4), 1700013, 2017
Perfect energy-feeding into strongly coupled systems and interferometric control of polariton absorption
S Zanotto, FP Mezzapesa, F Bianco, G Biasiol, L Baldacci, MS Vitiello, ...
Nature Physics 10 (11), 830-834, 2014
Electrically injected cavity polaritons
L Sapienza, A Vasanelli, R Colombelli, C Ciuti, Y Chassagneux, ...
Physical review letters 100 (13), 136806, 2008
Antenna-coupled microcavities for enhanced infrared photo-detection
Y Nga Chen, Y Todorov, B Askenazi, A Vasanelli, G Biasiol, R Colombelli, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (3), 2014
Limiting factors to the temperature performance of THz quantum cascade lasers based on the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme
Y Chassagneux, QJ Wang, SP Khanna, E Strupiechonski, JR Coudevylle, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 2 (1), 83-92, 2011
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Articles 1–20