Jeffrey B. Schmidt
Cited by
Cited by
A proposed model of external consumer information search
JB Schmidt, RA Spreng
Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 24, 246-256, 1996
Antecedents and consequences of cross‐functional cooperation: A comparison of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing perspectives
XM Song, MM Montoya‐Weiss, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An international publication of …, 1997
The influence of internal and external firm factors on international product adaptation strategy and export performance: A three-country comparison
RJ Calantone, D Kim, JB Schmidt, ST Cavusgil
Journal of Business Research 59 (2), 176-185, 2006
Controllable factors of new product success: A cross-national comparison
RJ Calantone, JB Schmidt, XM Song
Marketing science 15 (4), 341-358, 1996
New product development decision‐making effectiveness: comparing individuals, face‐to‐face teams, and virtual teams
JB Schmidt, MM Montoya‐Weiss, AP Massey
Decision sciences 32 (4), 575-600, 2001
Escalation of commitment during new product development
JB Schmidt, RJ Calantone
Journal of the academy of marketing science 30, 103-118, 2002
Are really new product development projects harder to shut down?
JB Schmidt, RJ Calantone
Journal of product innovation management 15 (2), 111-123, 1998
Using the analytic hierarchy process in new product screening
RJ Calantone, CA Di Benedetto, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management: an international publication of …, 1999
Internationalization and the dynamics of product adaptation—An empirical investigation
RJ Calantone, S Tamer Cavusgil, JB Schmidt, GC Shin
Journal of Product Innovation Management 21 (3), 185-198, 2004
New product activities and performance: the moderating role of environmental hostility
RJ Calantone, JB Schmidt, CA Di Benedetto
Journal of Product Innovation Management: AN INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION OF …, 1997
Exploring New Product Development Project Review Practices*
JB Schmidt, KR Sarangee, MM Montoya
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (5), 520-535, 2009
The Effects of Competition in Short Product Life‐Cycle Markets: The Case of Motion Pictures*
RJ Calantone, S Yeniyurt, JD Townsend, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (3), 349-361, 2010
The role of marketing in developing successful new products in South Korea and Taiwan
XM Song, MM Montoya-Weiss, JB Schmidt
Journal of International Marketing 5 (3), 47-69, 1997
New product myopia
JB Schmidt
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 10 (1), 23-33, 1995
Does point-of-purchase nutrition labeling influence meal selections? A test in an Army cafeteria
AD Sproul, DD Canter, JB Schmidt
Military medicine 168 (7), 556-560, 2003
Entrepreneurism as a market satisfying mechanism in a free market system
GS Omura, RJ Calantone, JB Schmidt
Research at the marketing/Entrepreneurship interface, 161-171, 1993
Agile transformation in dynamic, high-technology markets: Drivers, inhibitors, and execution
K Sarangee, JB Schmidt, PB Srinath, A Wallace
Industrial Marketing Management 102, 24-34, 2022
From the Special Issue Editors: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Decision Making in New Product Development and Innovation.
RC McNally, JB Schmidt
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (5), 2011
Anticipated regret and escalation of commitment to failing, new product development projects in business markets
KR Sarangee, JB Schmidt, RJ Calantone
Industrial Marketing Management 76, 157-168, 2019
De‐escalation mechanisms in high‐technology product innovation
KR Sarangee, JL Woolley, JB Schmidt, E Long
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (5), 1023-1038, 2014
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