Articles with public access mandates - Istvan Hernadi, PhDLearn more
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Novelty response of rats determines the effect of prefrontal alpha-2 adrenoceptor modulation on anxiety
B Uzsoki, M Toth, I Hernadi
Neuroscience letters 499 (3), 219-223, 2011
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Static magnetic field exposure in 1.5 and 3 Tesla MR scanners does not influence pain and touch perception in healthy volunteers
K Kamm, A Pomschar, R Ruscheweyh, A Straube, MF Reiser, I Hernádi, ...
European Journal of Pain 23 (2), 250-259, 2019
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Convergent cross-species pro-cognitive effects of RGH-235, a new potent and selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist
Z Némethy, B Kiss, N Lethbridge, P Chazot, T Hajnik, A Tóth, L Détári, ...
European Journal of Pharmacology 916, 174621, 2022
Mandates: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Available somewhere: 34
Phase entrainment of human delta oscillations can mediate the effects of expectation on reaction speed
G Stefanics, B Hangya, I Hernádi, I Winkler, P Lakatos, I Ulbert
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (41), 13578-13585, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Effects of mental fatigue on the capacity limits of visual attention
A Csathó, D van der Linden, I Hernádi, P Buzás, G Kalmar
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 24 (5), 511-524, 2012
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Enhanced cardiac vagal tone in mental fatigue: Analysis of heart rate variability in Time-on-Task, recovery, and reactivity
A Matuz, D van der Linden, Z Kisander, I Hernadi, K Kazmer, A Csatho
Plos one 16 (3), e0238670, 2021
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Monitoring extracellular pH, oxygen, and dopamine during reward delivery in the striatum of primates
JL Ariansen, MLAV Heien, A Hermans, PEM Phillips, I Hernadi, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 6, 36, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Planning activity for internally generated reward goals in monkey amygdala neurons
I Hernádi, F Grabenhorst, W Schultz
Nature neuroscience 18 (3), 461-469, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome …
Single mild traumatic brain injury induces persistent disruption of the blood-brain barrier, neuroinflammation and cognitive decline in hypertensive rats
N Szarka, L Toth, A Czigler, Z Kellermayer, Z Ungvari, K Amrein, E Czeiter, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (13), 3223, 2019
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, European …
Discrete coding of stimulus value, reward expectation, and reward prediction error in the dorsal striatum
K Oyama, Y Tateyama, I Hernádi, PN Tobler, T Iijima, KI Tsutsui
Journal of neurophysiology 114 (5), 2600-2615, 2015
Mandates: Swiss National Science Foundation
The telltale face: Possible mechanisms behind defector and cooperator recognition revealed by emotional facial expression metrics
Z Kovács‐Bálint, T Bereczkei, I Hernádi
British Journal of Psychology 104 (4), 563-576, 2013
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Cognitive enhancer effects of low memantine doses are facilitated by an alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist in scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats
ZK Bali, N Bruszt, SA Tadepalli, R Csurgyók, LV Nagy, M Tompa, ...
Frontiers in Pharmacology 10, 73, 2019
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Solid contact micropipette ion selective electrode II: potassium electrode for SECM and in vivo applications
G Gyetvai, L Nagy, A Ivaska, I Hernadi, G Nagy
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2009
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Uridine modulates neuronal activity and inhibits spike-wave discharges of absence epileptic Long Evans and Wistar Albino Glaxo/Rijswijk rats
Z Kovács, A Slézia, ZK Bali, P Kovács, A Dobolyi, T Szikra, I Hernádi, ...
Brain research bulletin 97, 16-23, 2013
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Primate amygdala neurons evaluate the progress of self-defined economic choice sequences
F Grabenhorst, I Hernadi, W Schultz
Elife 5, e18731, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, European Commission
Effect of a single 30 min UMTS mobile phone‐like exposure on the thermal pain threshold of young healthy volunteers
Z Vecsei, Á Csathó, G Thuróczy, I Hernádi
Bioelectromagnetics 34 (7), 530-541, 2013
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Proteomic investigation of the prefrontal cortex in the rat clomipramine model of depression
B Gellén, K Völgyi, BA Györffy, Z Darula, É Hunyadi-Gulyás, P Baracskay, ...
Journal of Proteomics 153, 53-64, 2017
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Automatic detection of trustworthiness of the face: a visual mismatch negativity study
Z Kovács-Bálint, G Stefanics, A Trunk, I Hernádi
Acta Biologica Hungarica 65, 1-12, 2014
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Potentiation of cognitive enhancer effects of Alzheimer’s disease medication memantine by alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist PHA-543613 in the Morris water maze task
N Bruszt, ZK Bali, SA Tadepalli, LV Nagy, I Hernádi
Psychopharmacology 238 (11), 3273-3281, 2021
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Long-term cognitive impairment without diffuse axonal injury following repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats
SA Tadepalli, ZK Bali, N Bruszt, LV Nagy, K Amrein, B Fazekas, A Büki, ...
Behavioural brain research 378, 112268, 2020
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
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