Wei Wang
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Cited by
Electronic health record logs indicate that physicians split time evenly between seeing patients and desktop medicine
M Tai-Seale, CW Olson, J Li, AS Chan, C Morikawa, M Durbin, W Wang, ...
Health affairs 36 (4), 655-662, 2017
Soil organic carbon active fractions as early indicators for total carbon change under straw incorporation
M Xu, Y Lou, X Sun, W Wang, M Baniyamuddin, K Zhao
Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1-8, 2011
Observer-dependent variability of the thresholding step in the quantitative analysis of soil images and X-ray microtomography data
PC Baveye, M Laba, W Otten, L Bouckaert, PD Sterpaio, RR Goswami, ...
Geoderma 157 (1-2), 51-63, 2010
Return rate of straw residue affects soil organic C sequestration by chemical fertilization
Y Lou, M Xu, W Wang, X Sun, K Zhao
Soil and Tillage Research, 2011
Increasing pregnancy-related use of prescribed opioid analgesics
RA Epstein, WV Bobo, PR Martin, JA Morrow, W Wang, R Chandrasekhar, ...
Annals of epidemiology 23 (8), 498-503, 2013
Can intra-aggregate pore structures affect the aggregate's effectiveness in protecting carbon?
K Ananyeva, W Wang, AJM Smucker, ML Rivers, AN Kravchenko
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 868-875, 2013
Comparison of image segmentation methods in simulated 2D and 3D microtomographic images of soil aggregates
W Wang, AN Kravchenko, AJM Smucker, ML Rivers
Geoderma, 2011
Long-term Differences in Tillage and Land Use Affect Intra-aggregate Pore Heterogeneity
AN Kravchenko, W Wang, AJM Smucker, ML Rivers
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (5), 1658 - 1666, 2011
Soil organic carbon fractions and management index after 20 yr of manure and fertilizer application for greenhouse vegetables
Y Lou, M Xu, W Wang, X Sun, C Liang
Soil Use and Management, 2011
Intra-aggregate Pore Characteristics: X-ray Computed Microtomography Analysis
W Wang, AN Kravchenko, AJM Smucker, W Liang, ML Rivers
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2012
Nanoparticle-based biosensor for the detection of emerging pandemic influenza strains
TL Kamikawa, MG Mikolajczyk, M Kennedy, P Zhang, W Wang, DE Scott, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (4), 1346-1352, 2010
Increasing use of atypical antipsychotics and anticonvulsants during pregnancy
RA Epstein, WV Bobo, RC Shelton, PG Arbogast, JA Morrow, W Wang, ...
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2012
Relationships between intra-aggregate pore structures and distributions of Escherichia coli within soil macro-aggregates
A Kravchenko, HC Chun, M Mazer, W Wang, JB Rose, A Smucker, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 63, 134-142, 2013
Soil aggregate geometry: Measurements and morphology
FSJ Martínez, FJM Ortega, FJC Monreal, AN Kravchenko, W Wang
Geoderma 237, 36-48, 2015
Online identification of a ship maneuvering model using a fast noisy input Gaussian process
Y Xue, G Chen, Z Li, G Xue, W Wang, Y Liu
Ocean Engineering 250, 110704, 2022
Improving working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare and management in Mali, West Africa
AK McLean, CR Heleski, MT Yokoyama, W Wang, A Doumbia, ...
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 7 (3), 123-134, 2012
Reference intervals for hematological and blood biochemistry reference values in healthy mules and hinnies
AK McLean, W Wang, FJ Navas-Gonzalez, JB Rodrigues
Comparative Clinical Pathology 25, 871-878, 2016
Incidence and risk factors for hypogammaglobulinemia in pediatric patients following allo-SCT
H Frangoul, E Min, W Wang, R Chandrasekhar, C Calder, M Evans, ...
Bone marrow transplantation 48 (11), 1456-1459, 2013
Using small business banking data for explainable credit risk scoring
W Wang, C Lesner, A Ran, M Rukonic, J Xue, E Shiu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (08), 13396 …, 2020
System and method for automatic assistance of transaction sorting for use with a transaction management service
AS Ran, C Lesner, W Wang
US Patent 10,956,986, 2021
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20