Peter Sanful
Peter Sanful
University of Energy and Natural Resources
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Effects of physical dynamics on the water column structure of Lake Bosomtwe/Bosumtwi, Ghana (West Africa)
MK Puchniak, FE Awortwi, PO Sanful, E Frempong, RI Hall, RE Hecky
Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie …, 2009
Assessment of Heavy Metal Contaminants Using Pollution Indices in Ankobra River at Prestea Huni-Valley District, Ghana
A Asare, D . Asamoah, Benjamin, PO Sanful
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 7, 25-35, 2019
Land use and land cover changes in Lake Bosumtwi watershed, Ghana (West Africa)
A Asare, H Thodsen, M Antwi, E Opuni-Frimpong, PO Sanful
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23, 100536, 2021
Hydrochemistry of Surface and Groundwater in the Vicinity of a Mine Waste Rock Dump: Assessing Impact of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD)
F Krampah, G Lartey-Young, P Sanful, O Dawohoso, A Asare
Geoscience and Environmental Protection 7, 52-67, 2019
Spatial and temporal patterns of variation in environmental quality of water and sediments of streams in mined and unmined areas with emphasis on mercury (Hg) and arsenic (As)
ST Annan, PO Sanful, G Lartey-Young, RK Yandam
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 6 (09), 125, 2018
Occurrence and seasonal dynamics of metalimnetic deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in a stratified meromictic tropical lake and its implications for zooplankton community distribution
PO Sanful, MK Otu, H Kling, RE Hecky
International Review of Hydrobiology 102 (5-6), 135-150, 2017
Temporal dynamics and relationship between climate, limnological variables and zooplankton composition in climate-sensitive Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
PO Sanful, S Aikins, E Frempong, RI Hall, RE Hecky
African Journal of Aquatic Science 42 (1), 21-33, 2017
Seasonal and interannual variability of pelagic zooplankton community structure and secondary production in Lake Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana
PO Sanful
PhD diss., Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. http://dspace …, 2008
IM Mirabdullayev, PO Sanful, E Frempong
Annales Zoologici (Warszawa) 57 (3), 377-383, 2007
Application of Pollution indices in the assessment of heavy Metal contamination of surface sediments of River Bonsa, Ghana
F Krampah, SY Nyarko, K Danlogo, P Sanful
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 7 (02), 176, 2019
Depth distribution of zooplankton in relation to limnological gradients under different stratification and interannual regimes in a deep, tropical crater lake
PO Sanful, S Aikins, RE Hecky
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 53, 293-307, 2017
Annual variation in water column structure and its implications for the behaviour of deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) in a stratified tropical lake.
PO Sanful, MK Otu, HW Kling, RE Hecky
Sustainable ecosystem services of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana–implications for livelihoods and food security
A Mensah, P Sanful, Y Agyeman, D Trolle, F Nunoo, A Asase
Nature & Faune 32, 58-60, 2018
Secondary production of crustacean zooplankton and biomass of major rotifer species in Lake Bosumtwi/Bosomtwe, Ghana, West Africa
PO Sanful, E Frempong, S Aikins, RE Hecky
African journal of ecology 51 (3), 456-465, 2013
Secondary production of Chaoborus ceratopogones (Diptera: Chaoboridae) in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
PO Sanful, E Frempong, S Aikins, RI Hall, RE Hecky
Aquatic Insects 34 (2), 115-130, 2012
Understanding water quality dynamics in aquaculture ponds in Sunyani, Ghana: Insights from Partial Least Squares (PLS)-Path Modeling
NEG Otoo, PO Sanful, WA Iddrisu, S Amfoh, OK Boateng
Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research 4 (1), 28-42, 2019
Gas accumulation in Lake Bosumtwi deep waters and its potential to contribute to fish kills
B Boehrer, T Shatwell, A Damoah, P Aurich, M Determann, P Sanful, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10, 2025
Improving Aquatic Biodiversity Estimates in Africa: Rotifers of Angola and Ghana
R Smolak, PD Brown, RN Walsmith, JV Ríos-Arana, P Sanful, L Kalous, ...
Diversity 16 (5), 269, 2024
Status of diversity, abundance and seasonal variations of gill net catches of cichlids in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
A Asase, TL Lauridsen, PO Sanful, EEK Quansah, FKE Nunoo
African Journal of Aquatic Science 48 (2), 213-222, 2023
Seasonal changes in stream habitat structure and its relationship with fish community structure in a low gradient stream in Sunyani, Ghana
PO Sanful, S Amfoh, AW Iddrisu
West African Journal of Applied Ecology 29 (1), 62-79, 2021
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Articles 1–20