AK Sahai
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Cited by
High-resolution climate change scenarios for India for the 21st century
KR Kumar, AK Sahai, KK Kumar, SK Patwardhan, PK Mishra, ...
Current science, 334-345, 2006
Future projection of Indian summer monsoon variability under climate change scenario: An assessment from CMIP5 climate models
S Sharmila, S Joseph, AK Sahai, S Abhilash, R Chattopadhyay
Global and Planetary Change 124, 62-78, 2015
All India summer monsoon rainfall prediction using an artificial neural network
AK Sahai, MK Soman, V Satyan
Climate dynamics 16, 291-302, 2000
Long-lead prediction of Indian summer monsoon rainfall from global SST evolution
AK Sahai, AM Grimm, V Satyan, GB Pant
Climate Dynamics 20, 855-863, 2003
On the recent strengthening of the relationship between ENSO and northeast monsoon rainfall over South Asia
P Kumar, K Rupa Kumar, M Rajeevan, AK Sahai
Climate Dynamics 28, 649-660, 2007
Role of ocean–atmosphere interaction on northward propagation of Indian summer monsoon intra-seasonal oscillations (MISO)
S Sharmila, PA Pillai, S Joseph, M Roxy, RPM Krishna, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 1651-1669, 2013
North Indian heavy rainfall event during June 2013: diagnostics and extended range prediction
S Joseph, AK Sahai, S Sharmila, S Abhilash, N Borah, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Climate Dynamics 44, 2049-2065, 2015
Eastward propagating MJO during boreal summer and Indian monsoon droughts
S Joseph, AK Sahai, BN Goswami
Climate Dynamics 32, 1139-1153, 2009
Hydrologic impacts of climate change: Comparisons between hydrological parameter uncertainty and climate model uncertainty
J Joseph, S Ghosh, A Pathak, AK Sahai
Journal of Hydrology 566, 1-22, 2018
Extended range prediction of active-break spells of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using an ensemble prediction system in NCEP Climate Forecast System.
S Abhilash, AK Sahai, S Pattnaik, BN Goswami, A Kumar
International Journal of Climatology 34 (1), 2014
Monsoon mission: a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales
SA Rao, BN Goswami, AK Sahai, EN Rajagopal, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2509-2532, 2019
Simulation and extended range prediction of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in NCEP CFS/GFS version 2 framework
AK Sahai, S Sharmila, S Abhilash, R Chattopadhyay, N Borah, ...
Current Science, 1394-1408, 2013
Prediction and monitoring of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations over Indian monsoon region in an ensemble prediction system using CFSv2
S Abhilash, AK Sahai, N Borah, R Chattopadhyay, S Joseph, S Sharmila, ...
Climate dynamics 42, 2801-2815, 2014
Objective identification of nonlinear convectively coupled phases of monsoon intraseasonal oscillation: Implications for prediction
R Chattopadhyay, AK Sahai, BN Goswami
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 65 (5), 1549-1569, 2008
Kerala floods in consecutive years-Its association with mesoscale cloudburst and structural changes in monsoon clouds over the west coast of India
P Vijaykumar, S Abhilash, AV Sreenath, UN Athira, K Mohanakumar, ...
Weather and climate extremes 33, 100339, 2021
Modoki, Indian Ocean Dipole, and western North Pacific typhoons: Possible implications for extreme events
PK Pradhan, B Preethi, K Ashok, R Krishnan, AK Sahai
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D18), 2011
Role of stratiform rainfall in modifying the northward propagation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillation
R Chattopadhyay, BN Goswami, AK Sahai, K Fraedrich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D19), 2009
Simulated changes in active/break spells during the Indian summer monsoon due to enhanced CO2 concentrations: assessment from selected coupled atmosphere–ocean global climate …
SK Mandke, AK Sahai, MA Shinde, S Joseph, R Chattopadhyay
International journal of climatology 27 (7), 837-859, 2007
Real time extended range prediction of heat waves over India
R Mandal, S Joseph, AK Sahai, R Phani, A Dey, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9008, 2019
Aerosol indirect effect during the aberrant Indian Summer Monsoon breaks of 2009
MG Manoj, PCS Devara, S Joseph, AK Sahai
Atmospheric Environment 60, 153-163, 2012
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Articles 1–20