Arif Mamun
Arif Mamun
Millennium Challenge Corporation
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Cited by
Benefits and challenges of expanding grid electricity in Africa: A review of rigorous evidence on household impacts in developing countries
K Bos, D Chaplin, A Mamun
Energy for sustainable development 44, 64-77, 2018
The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound on Postsecondary Outcomes Seven to Nine Years after Scheduled High School Graduation. Final Report.
NS Seftor, A Mamun, A Schirm
US department of education, 2009
Grid electricity expansion in Tanzania by MCC: Findings from a rigorous impact evaluation
D Chaplin, A Mamun, A Protik, J Schurrer, D Vohra, K Bos, H Burak, ...
Report Submitted to the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Washington, DC …, 2017
Impact of early work experiences on subsequent paid employment for young adults with disabilities
AA Mamun, EW Carter, TM Fraker, LL Timmins
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 41 (4), 212-222, 2018
Evaluation of the Ticket to Work Program: Assessment of Post-Rollout Implementation and Early Impacts, Volume 1.
C Thornton, G Livermore, T Fraker, D Stapleton, B O'Day, D Wittenburg, ...
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., 2007
Employment among Social Security disability program beneficiaries, 1996-2007
A Mamun, P O'Leary, DC Wittenburg, J Gregory
Soc. Sec. Bull. 71, 11, 2011
A heuristic approach for balancing mixed-model assembly line of type I using genetic algorithm
AA Mamun, AA Khaled, SM Ali, MM Chowdhury
International Journal of Production Research 50 (18), 5106-5116, 2012
Final report on the youth transition demonstration evaluation
T Fraker, A Mamun, T Honeycutt, A Thompkins, EJ Valentine
Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, 2014
Employment, Earnings, and Primary Impairments Among Beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Programs
JH David R. Mann, Arif Mamun
Social Security Bulletin 75 (2), 19-40, 2015
Cohabitation premium in men’s earnings: Testing the joint human capital hypothesis
A Mamun
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 33, 53-68, 2012
Return-to-work outcomes among Social Security Disability Insurance program beneficiaries
Y Ben-Shalom, AA Mamun
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 26 (2), 100-110, 2015
Return to work of disability insurance beneficiaries who do and do not access state vocational rehabilitation agency services
J O’Neill, AA Mamun, E Potamites, F Chan, E da Silva Cordoso
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 26 (2), 111-123, 2015
Promoting Readiness of Minors in SSI (PROMISE) evaluation: Interim services and impact report
A Mamun, A Patnaik, M Levere, G Livermore, T Honeycutt, J Kauff, K Katz, ...
Washington, DC: Mathematica, 2019
An analysis of 1-year impacts of youth transition demonstration projects
TM Fraker, RG Luecking, AA Mamun, JM Martinez, DS Reed, ...
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 39 (1), 34-46, 2016
The Social Security Administration's Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Evaluation Design Report
A Rangarajan, T Fraker, T Honeycutt, A Mamun, J Martinez, B O'Day, ...
Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, 2009
The youth transition demonstration project in Miami, Florida: Design, implementation, and three-year impacts
TM Fraker, KT Crane, TC Honeycutt, RG Luecking, AA Mamun, BL O’Day
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 48 (1), 79-91, 2018
Effects of employment on marriage: Evidence from a randomized study of the Job Corps program
AA Mamun
Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children …, 2008
Is there a cohabitation premium in men's earnings?
A Mamun
Center for Research on Families Working Paper, 2004
Promoting readiness of minors in SSI (PROMISE) evaluation design report
T Fraker, E Carter, T Honeycutt, J Kauff, G Livermore, A Mamun
Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 2014
Executive summary of the Seventh Ticket to Work evaluation report
G Livermore, A Mamun, J Schimmel, S Prenovitz
Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 2013
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Articles 1–20