Glenn Ierley
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Tidal conversion by subcritical topography
NJ Balmforth, GR Ierley, WR Young
Journal of Physical Oceanography 32 (10), 2900-2914, 2002
Spurt phenomena of the Johnson-Segalman fluid and related models
RW Kolkka, DS Malkus, MG Hansen, GR Ierley
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 29, 303-335, 1988
Symmetry-breaking multiple equilibria in quasigeostrophic, wind-driven flows
P Cessi, GR Ierley
Journal of physical oceanography 25 (6), 1196-1205, 1995
A model of the inertial recirculation driven by potential vorticity anomalies
P Cessi, G Ierley, W Young
Journal of physical oceanography 17 (10), 1640-1652, 1987
Interacting localized structures with Galilean invariance
C Elphick, GR Ierley, O Regev, EA Spiegel
Physical Review A 44 (2), 1110, 1991
Blow-up of unsteady two-dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions having stagnation-point form
S Childress, GR Ierley, EA Spiegel, WR Young
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 203, 1-22, 1989
A generalized power-law detection algorithm for humpback whale vocalizations
TA Helble, GR Ierley, GL D’Spain, MA Roch, JA Hildebrand
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (4), 2682-2699, 2012
Multiple solutions and advection-dominated flows in the wind-driven circulation. Part I: Slip
GR Ierley, VA Sheremet
Eigenanalysis of the two-dimensional wind-driven ocean circulation problem
VA Sheremet, GR Ierley, VM Kamenkovich
On the convected linear stability of a viscoelastic Oldroyd B fluid heated from below
RW Kolkka, GR Ierley
Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 25 (2), 209-237, 1987
A modal α2-dynamo in the limit of asymptotically small viscosity
R Hollerbach, GR Ierley
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 56 (1-4), 133-158, 1991
Viscous instabilities in the western boundary layer
GR Ierley, WR Young
Journal of physical oceanography 21 (9), 1323-1332, 1991
Chaotic pulse trains
NJ Balmforth, GR Ierley, EA Spiegel
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 54 (5), 1291-1334, 1994
On the onset of inertial recirculation in barotropic general circulation models
GR Ierley
Journal of physical oceanography 17 (12), 2366-2374, 1987
Spectral methods in time for a class of parabolic partial differential equations
G Ierley, B Spencer, R Worthing
Journal of Computational Physics 102 (1), 88-97, 1992
Infinite-Prandtl-number convection. Part 2. A singular limit of upper bound theory
GR Ierley, RR Kerswell, SC Plasting
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 560, 159-227, 2006
Automated acoustic localization and call association for vocalizing humpback whales on the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility
TA Helble, GR Ierley, GL D'Spain, SW Martin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (1), 11-21, 2015
Analytic and numerical solutions of a nonlinear boundary‐layer problem
GR Ierley, OG Ruehr
Studies in Applied Mathematics 75 (1), 1-36, 1986
Boundary layers in the general ocean circulation
GR Ierley
Annual review of fluid mechanics 22 (1), 111-140, 1990
Can the western boundary layer affect the potential vorticity distribution in the Sverdrup interior of a wind gyre?
GR Ierley, WR Young
Journal of physical oceanography 13 (10), 1753-1763, 1983
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Articles 1–20