Ana Ibáñez Moreno
Ana Ibáñez Moreno
Lecturer of English Language and Linguistics, UNED
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Cited by
Chapter three audio description as a tool to improve lexical and phraseological competence in foreign language learning
ANAI MORENO, A Vermeulen
Translation in language teaching and assessment, 41, 2013
La audiodescripción como técnica aplicada a la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas para promover el desarrollo integrado de competencias
A Ibáñez Moreno, A Vermeulen
New directions in Hispanic linguistics, 16-34, 2014
Using VISP (Videos for Speaking), a mobile App based on Audio Description, to promote English Language Learning among Spanish Students: a case study
AI Moreno, A Vermeulen
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 178, 132-138, 2015
Exploring collaborative reverse subtitling for the enhancement of written production activities in English as a second language
N Talaván, A Ibáñez, E Bárcena
ReCALL 29 (1), 39-58, 2017
Diseño y evaluación de VISP, una aplicación móvil para la práctica de la competencia oral
A Ibáñez Moreno, M Jordano de la Torre, A Vermeulen
RIED: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 19 (1), 63-81, 2016
Audio description and subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing: Media accessibility in foreign language learning
N Talaván, J Lertola, AI Moreno
Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 8 (1), 1-29, 2022
An analysis of the cognitive dimension of proverbs in English and Spanish: The conceptual power of language reflecting popular believes
AI Moreno
SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 2 (1), 42-54, 2005
Profiling a MALL App for English Oral Practice A Case Study.
AI Moreno, A Vermeulen
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 21 (10), 1339-1361, 2015
Audio description as a tool to enhance intercultural competence
A Vermeulen, A Ibáñez Moreno
Towards transcultural awareness in translation pedagogy, 133-156, 2017
State of the Art of Language Learning Design Using Mobile Technology: Sample Apps and Some Critical Reflection.
E Bárcena, T Read, J Underwood, H Obari, D Cojocnean, T Koyama, ...
Research-publishing. net, 2015
Audio description for all: A literature review of its pedagogical values in foreign language teaching and learning
A Vermeulen, A Ibáñez Moreno
Encuentro-Revista De Investigacion E Innovacion En La Clase De Idiomas, 52-68, 2017
MALL-based MOOCs for language teachers: challenges and opportunities
A Ibáñez Moreno, J Traxler
Universidad de Granada, 2016
Using Audio Description to Improve FLL Students' Oral Competence in MALL: Methodological Preliminaries.
A Ibáñez Moreno, A Vermeulen, M Jordano
Research-publishing. net, 2016
Nerthus: An online lexical database of Old English
J Martín Arista, LC González, EG Torres, AI Moreno, RT Alonso
Forthcoming, 2009
Fundamentos empíricos y metodológicos de una base de datos léxica de la morfología derivativa del inglés antiguo
R Torre Alonso, J Martín Arista, A Ibáñez Moreno, E González Torres, ...
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 3, 2008
The ARDELE Project: Controlled empirical research on audio description as a didactic tool to improve (meta) linguistic competence in foreign language teaching and learning
A Ibáñez Moreno, A Vermeulen
Fast-forwarding with audiovisual translation, 195-211, 2017
La gamificación para (auto) evaluar las competencias léxico-gramaticales en el aula de inglés como segunda lengua en el contexto de la enseñanza a distancia: un estudio de caso
AI Moreno
VERBEIA: Revista de Estudios Filológicos, 75-99, 2015
VISP 2.0: methodological considerations for the design and implementation of an audio-description based app to improve oral skills
AI Moreno, A Vermeulen
Critical CALL, 249, 2015
Las estrategias de comunicación oral en español de los estudiantes neerlandófonos en Bélgica: un estudio de caso
AI Moreno, J De Wilde, P Grymonprez
Ianua. Revista Philologica Romanica, 123-141, 2010
A comparative analysis of a mobile app to practise oral skills: in classroom or self-directed use?
AI Moreno, A Vermeulen
Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS) 27 (5), 2021
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Articles 1–20