Christopher Severen
Cited by
Cited by
Commuting, Labor, and Housing Market Effects of Mass Transportation: Welfare and Identification
C Severen
Review of Economics and Statistics 105 (5), 1073-1091, 2023
A Forward-Looking Ricardian Approach: Do land markets capitalize climate change forecasts?
C Severen, O Deschênes, C Costello
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 89, 235-254, 2018
Technology adoption under uncertainty: Take-up and subsequent investment in Zambia
BK Jack, P Oliva, C Severen, E Walker, S Bell
Review of Economics and Statistics 102 (3), 617-632, 2020
Clarifying the effect of biodiversity on productivity in natural ecosystems with longitudinal data and methods for causal inference
LE Dee, PJ Ferraro, CN Severen, KA Kimmel, ET Borer, JEK Byrnes, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2607, 2023
Land-Use Regulations, Property Values, and Rents: Decomposing the Effects of the California Coastal Act
C Severen, AJ Plantinga
Journal of Urban Economics 107, 65-78, 2018
What is marine justice?
JA Martin, S Gray, E Aceves-Bueno, P Alagona, TL Elwell, A Garcia, ...
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 9, 234-243, 2019
Formative experiences and the price of gasoline
C Severen, A Van Benthem
American Economic Journal: Applied Microeconomics 14 (2), 256-284, 2022
Lockdowns and innovation: Evidence from the 1918 flu pandemic
E Berkes, O Deschenes, R Gaetani, J Lin, C Severen
Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-30, 2023
The problem has existed over endless years: Racialized difference in commuting, 1980–2019
devin michelle bunten, E Fu, L Rolheiser, C Severen
Journal of Urban Economics 141, 103542, 2024
Driving, Dropouts, and Drive-Throughs: Mobility Restrictions and Teen Human Capital
V Bostwick, C Severen
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Papers, 2022
Why are young people driving less? Evidence points to economics, not preferences
C Severen
Brookings Institution, 2023
A Ticket to Ride: Estimating the Benefits of Rail Transit
C Severen
Economic Insights 5 (2), 1-9, 2020
Delayed Sampling of Recent Immigrants in the Current Population Survey
C Severen
Research Brief 25, 1-23, 2025
Not All Rush Hours Are the Same
N Holden, C Severen
Economic Insights 8 (3), 16-25, 2023
Rural Entrepreneurial Education: An Innovative Piece of Practical Development in Latin America
C Severen
The Student Journal of Latin American Studies, 26, 2009
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Articles 1–15