I Komang Gede Wiryawan
I Komang Gede Wiryawan
Professor of Animal Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal
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Cited by
Fourier transform mid-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to identify tannin compounds in the panicle of sorghum mutant lines
T Wahyono, DA Astuti, IK Gede Wiryawan, I Sugoro, A Jayanegara
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (4), 042045, 2019
Kajian antibakteri temulawak, jahe dan bawang putih terhadap Salmonella typhimurium serta pengaruh bawang putih terhadap performans dan respon imun ayam pedaging
KG Wiryawan, S Suharti, M Bintang
Media Peternakan 28 (2), 2005
Determination of energy and protein requirements of sheep in Indonesia using a meta-analytical approach
A Jayanegara, M Ridla, DA Astuti, KG Wiryawan, EB Laconi, N Nahrowi
Media Peternakan 40 (2), 118-127, 2017
Probiotic control of lactate accumulation in acutely grain-fed sheep
KG Wiryawan, JD Brooker
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 46 (8), 1555-1568, 1995
Fermentation characteristics and microbial diversity of tropical grass-legumes silages
R Ridwan, I Rusmana, Y Widyastuti, KG Wiryawan, B Prasetya, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 28 (4), 511, 2015
Isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri asam laktat dari cairan rumen sapi bali sebagai kandidat biopreservatif
IW Suardana, IN Suarsana, IN Sujaya, KG Wiryawan
Jurnal veteriner 8 (4), 155-159, 2007
Kualitas nutrisi silase berbahan baku singkong yang diberi enzim cairan rumen sapi dan Leuconostoc mesenteroides
S Sandi, EB Laconi, A Sudarman, KG Wiryawan, D Mangundjaja
Media Peternakan 33 (1), 25-25, 2010
Komposisi dan kandungan kolesterol karkas ayam broiler diare yang diberi tepung daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum Wight) dalam ransum
S Suharti, A Banowati, W Hermana, KG Wiryawan
Media Peternakan 31 (2), 2008
Effects of selected Lactobacillus plantarum as probiotic on in vitro ruminal fermentation and microbial population
SSRR Wulansih D. Astuti, Komang G. Wiryawan, Elizabeth Wina, Yantyati Widyastuti
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 17 (3), 131-139, 2018
The current status of science journals in Indonesia
KG Wiryawan
Science Editing 1 (2), 71-75, 2014
Comparison of reducing sugar content, sensory traits, and fatty acids and volatile compound profiles of the longissimus thoracis among Korean cattle, Holsteins, and Angus steers
MY Piao, HJ Lee, HI Yong, SH Beak, HJ Kim, C Jo, KG Wiryawan, M Baik
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 32 (1), 126, 2018
Nutrient profile and in vitro degradability of new promising mutant lines sorghum as forage in Indonesia
T Wahyono, I Sugoro, A Jayanegara, KG Wiryawan, DA Astuti
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 7 (9), 810-818, 2019
Forage production and nutrient composition of different sorghum varieties cultivated with indigofera in intercropping system
M Telleng, KG Wiryawan, P Karti, IG Permana, L Abdullah
Media Peternakan 39 (3), 203-209, 2016
Performa kambing yang diberi kulit buah kakao terfermentasi
S Suparjo, KG Wiryawan, EB Laconi, D Mangunwidjaja
Media Peternakan 34 (1), 35-35, 2011
Bioavailability of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A, but not fumonisin B1 or deoxynivalenol, is increased in starch-induced low ruminal pH in nonlactating dairy cows
D Pantaya, DP Morgavi, M Silberberg, F Chaucheyras-Durand, C Martin, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (12), 9759-9767, 2016
Characteristics of lactic acid bacteria isolated from gastrointestinal tract of Cemani chicken and their potential use as probiotics
SN Jannah, A Dinoto, KG Wiryawan, I Rusmana
Media Peternakan 37 (3), 182-189, 2014
Pemberian tepung daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum (Wight) Walp.) dalam ransum sebagai bahan antibakteri Escherichia coli terhadap organ dalam ayam broiler
W Hermana, DI Puspitasari, KG Wiryawan, S Suharti
Media Peternakan 31 (1), 2008
Isolasi dan karakterisasi enzim karbohidrase cairan rumen sapi asal rumah potong hewan
A Budiansyah, B Resmi, KG Wiryawan, DMT Soehartono, Y Widyastuti, ...
Media Peternakan 33 (1), 31-31, 2010
Tannin degrading bacteria from Indonesian ruminants.
KG Wiryawan, B Tangendjaja, S Suryahadi
Biodegradasi lignoselulosa dengan Phanerochaete chrysosporium terhadap perubahan nilai gizi pelepah sawit
A Imsya, EB Laconi, KG Wiryawan, Y Widyastuti
Jurnal Peternakan Sriwijaya 3 (2), 12-19, 2014
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Articles 1–20