Leonid Hanin
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Cited by
Kantorovich-Rubinstein norm and its application in the theory of Lipschitz spaces
LG Hanin
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 115 (2), 345-352, 1992
Tumor control probability in radiation treatment
M Zaider, L Hanin
Medical physics 38 (2), 574-583, 2011
Modeling cancer detection: tumor size as a source of information on unobservable stages of carcinogenesis
R Bartoszyński, L Edler, L Hanin, A Kopp-Schneider, L Pavlova, ...
Mathematical biosciences 171 (2), 113-142, 2001
A nonidentifiability aspect of the two‐stage model of carcinogenesis
LG Hanin, AY Yakovlev
Risk Analysis 16 (5), 711-715, 1996
A stochastic model for the sizes of detectable metastases
L Hanin, J Rose, M Zaider
Journal of theoretical biology 243 (3), 407-417, 2006
Identifiability of cure models revisited
L Hanin, LS Huang
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 130, 261-274, 2014
Cell-survival probability at large doses: an alternative to the linear-quadratic model
LG Hanin, M Zaider
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (16), 4687, 2010
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometric determination of the molecular mass of the∼ 200-kDa globin dodecamer subassemblies in hexagonal bilayer hemoglobins
BN Green, RS Bordoli, LG Hanin, FH Lallier, A Toulmond, SN Vinogradov
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (40), 28206-28212, 1999
A stochastic model of tumor response to fractionated radiation: limit theorems and rate of convergence
LG Hanin
Mathematical biosciences 191 (1), 1-17, 2004
Non-linear dynamics of the complement system activation
AA Korotaevskiy, LG Hanin, MA Khanin
Mathematical biosciences 222 (2), 127-143, 2009
Iterated birth and death process as a model of radiation cell survival
LG Hanin
Mathematical biosciences 169 (1), 89-107, 2001
Does extirpation of the primary breast tumor give boost to growth of metastases? Evidence revealed by mathematical modeling
L Hanin, O Korosteleva
Mathematical biosciences 223 (2), 133-141, 2010
Distribution of the number of clonogens surviving fractionated radiotherapy: a long-standing problem revisited
LG Hanin, M Zaider, AY Yakovlev
International journal of radiation biology 77 (2), 205-213, 2001
A new minimum volume straight cooling fin taking into account the “length of arc”
L Hanin, A Campo
International journal of heat and mass transfer 46 (26), 5145-5152, 2003
Why statistical inference from clinical trials is likely to generate false and irreproducible results
L Hanin
BMC medical research methodology 17 (1), 127, 2017
Handbook of cancer models with applications
WY Tan
World Scientific, 2008
An extension of the Kantorovich norm
LG Hanin
Contemporary Mathematics 226, 113-130, 1999
A survival model for fractionated radiotherapy with an application to prostate cancer
M Zaider, MJ Zelefsky, LG Hanin, AD Tsodikov, AY Yakovlev, SA Leibel
Physics in Medicine & Biology 46 (10), 2745, 2001
Biomathematical problems in optimization of cancer radiotherapy
AY Yakovlev, L Pavlova, LG Hanin
CRC Press, 2020
Identification problem for stochastic models with application to carcinogenesis, cancer detection and radiation biology
LG Hanin
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7 (3), 177-189, 2002
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Articles 1–20